David Dobrik//TikTok

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After one of David's experiment skits, everyone was outside laughing, while I was inside cleaning up. I was okay with this, David didn't ask me to do it, I just decided to.

I was picking up thousands of ping pong balls and putting the broken ones into the trash, and the okay ones into a large bin that hadn't been blown up.

I heard the sliding door open and I looked over to see David.

"Why are you in here cleaning? You should come outside and hang out with us."

He had his camera in his hand, but it was facing down so I didn't think it was on.

"It's okay. No offense, but if I don't clean it up now, then I'll just have to clean it up later."

"I could always hire someone you know."

"It's fine, David. Really. It won't take me that long. Probably about an hour."

He set his camera down and started helping me clean them up.

"What are you doing? I thought you were hanging out with Zane and them."

"It'll be faster if both of us do it."

"Okay." I smiled and continued picking up.

After a few minutes, Natalie came in and started helping us too. Of course the boys didn't, but they're boys. It's to be expected.

"It's okay Natalie. I think we got it from here." David winked at her. Which sent a pang of jealousy throughout my body.

She smiled and nodded and went back outside.

"So, uh. Are you and Natalie a thing?" I asked awkwardly.

"What? No. Why would you ask that?"

"I-I just saw you wink at her and I thought-"

"I like someone else."

"My bad." I picked up the last ping pong ball, and tossed it into the trash.

"Hey, do you want to film a TikTok together?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure. Do I need to learn a dance or anything?"

"No," he laughed adorably. "You don't really have to do anything. I'll just be filming some stuff we do throughout the day."

"Okay." I gave him a light smile and looked him in the eyes. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he maintained eye contact with his own smile.

"Hey David," Jason started, causing us to birth look at him. "Zane is about to do something stupid. You might wanna film it."

David grabbed his camera and we went to the backyard, where Zane was acting, or maybe he actually was, drunk. He somehow got into the roof and decided to do a belly flop onto the ground.

At this point, we just let Zane do what Zane wants cause there is no talking him out of it.

Zane jumped off the roof and did in fact belly flop onto the ground. I thought I heard a bone break, but he seemed to be okay.

When he got up, he was yelling in excitement.

David pointed the camera at me.

"Stay in school kids." I said disappointedly, but I wasn't actually disappointed in Zane.

Throughout the day, I caught David filming me a few times, I guess for his TikTok.

Around 6pm, I knocked on his door lightly and he told me to come in.

I saw him laying on his bed, so I went and laid next to him, cuddling up to him.

"Is there a reason that you're in my bed cuddling me right now?" He asked quietly.

"I was lonely." I closed my eyes and snuggled up to him closer.

David and I are just friends, even if I have a massive crush on him.

I didn't notice him filming me again, until I opened my eyes.

I smiled and blushed at the thought of him having this moment saved in his phone.

I ended up falling asleep on him, and waking up around 8pm.

He was still awake and on his phone.

"Sorry. I didn't realize I fell asleep." I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"It's okay. I enjoyed the company."

We both got up and he went to the bathroom, while I went to the kitchen.

I tiredly opened the fridge and grabbed some champagne.

I poured a glass for me, and a glass for David.

I took a sip of mine, and David came out soon after.

"Ooh, champagne." He took a sip of his.

"So is the tik tok done?" I asked.

"Not yet." He smiled.

He went in his phone for a second, and Natalie texted mine.

"Hey, I'll be right back. Natalie wants to ask me something real quick."

"Okay. I'll be here."

I smiled and went to Natalie's room.

"What'd you need?" I asked.

"Can I borrow that one necklace you have? I'm going out with Jeff tomorrow night and it would really pull the outfit together."

"The silver one or the golden heart one? Because David got me the golden heart one for my birthday and no offense but I don't want anything to happen to it."

She smiled. "Definitely the silver one."

"Okay. Yeah sure."


"You're welcome." I smiled back at her and went back to the kitchen.

David seemed a little nervous.

"Are you oka-" he cut me off with a quick kiss. I stared at him for a second and smiled, pulling him in for another one.

When we pulled away again, he was smiling and he ran over to his phone, which was propped up and recording us. My smile fell.

"W-was that for the tik tok?"

"Yeah. It's a trend going around where you kiss your best friend-"

"S-so you don't actually.. you don't actually like me?" I looked down at my glass of champagne and swirled it around.

"Oh! I do, like you. It's a trend where you miss your best friend, who you have a crush on, and see if they kiss you back. Which you did." He smiled.

"Yeah." I mumbled. "I've liked you for a couple months now." I blushed and continued looking at my glass.

He walked up to me and kissed me again.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I smiled, nodded, and hugged him. Thank you Tik Tok.

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