Bill Denbrough//Slut

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"Y/n!" Richie ran into my house screaming. I thought someone got hurt again, or saw pennywise.

"What? Are you okay!?" I jumped up off my couch and waited for his response. He ran upstairs.

"I have to use the bathroom and your house was the closest!" He ran into my room, and then my personal bathroom, and locked the door.

"Richie! You're a boy. Just whip it out and go in the woods!" I said through the door.

"It's a number 2!"

"Richie!! That's disgusting!"

"My house is another three blocks away!"

"Bill lives like four houses down! Use his bathroom!"

"Yours is nicer! Hey, what's this?"

"W-what's what Richie?"

"This journal? Do you keep a log of every time you go to the bathroom?"

"No, it's nothing. When you're done taking a shit can you at least spray the air freshener?"

I didn't get a response.

"Is this your diary!?"

"Richie don't read that! Please!"

"Oh my god you love Bill!" The door swung open and I immediately knew he didn't spray the air freshener like I asked.

I gagged. "Oh my god Richie, what the hell did you eat?" I plugged my nose and held my breath, spraying half the bottle in my bathroom and Closing the door.

"I can't believe you like Bill! I'm telling him!"

"Richie, no!" I grabbed his hand. "Please don't tell him."

"Give me a kiss and it'll be our little secret."

"Did you even wash your hands?"


I grabbed my diary from him and threw it on the bed.

"Fine. If I kiss you, you promise you won't tell?"

"Scouts honor"

I knew he was never a scout but there's no way Bill could know I like him. Even if it meant kissing Trashmouth.

I leaned in and kissed him, then pulled away.

"There. Now you can't tell Bill, or I'll personally kill you."

I walked him outside and saw bill riding by with Beverly.

We made eye contact, and I'm sure we both thought the same thing.

Bev stopped and came over to us, which prompted bill to.

"Y/n, Richie, we were just headed over to bill's wanna come?"

I looked over at Bill, who was staring at Richie.

"Um, no thanks. I would but-"

"You and R- Richie too b-busy m-making out?"

"We weren't-"

"I can s-s-see the lipgloss-s on h-his lips, y/n."

Richie then wiped off his mouth.

"Bill it's really not like that-"

"Y-you're e-exactly like Greta s-says."

He got back on his bike and rode away, Beverly following.

Tears formed in my eyes. Bill thinks I'm a slut.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you kiss me." Richie apologized uncharacteristically.

"You didn't make me Richie. It's fine. Bill probably thought I was a slut long before that." I sighed and went inside.

A couple hours later, I got a call from Eddie.

"You kissed Richie!?"

"I don't want to get into this Eddie. Please. I feel like shit enough, okay. I didn't want to, but I had to. He was going to tell Bill I liked him."

"You like Bill!?"

I mumbled 'shit' under my breath.

"You can't tell anyone. Especially Bill, please."

"You have to tell him y/n."

"I can't, Eddie. What if he doesn't feel the same, and then it's just awkward. Plus, he likes Beverly."

"No he doesn't. I'm not supposed to say this but-"

He got interrupted by his mom. "Eddie Bear, who are you talking to!?"

"Y/n, mom!"

"She better not taint you! I've heard what people say about her!"

"She loves Bill, mom! Y/n, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

He hung up the phone, so I decided to read my diary. 

For some reason, I got a burst of confidence, and I walked to Bill's house with my diary in my hand. I saw him in his driveway, fixing the chain on his bike.

"Bill, can we talk?"

He looked up at me. "Depends on-n if r-richie's around."

I bit my lip and looked at my diary. I put it in the waistband of my shorts in the back, out of sight.

"I just... I'm sorry. For kissing Richie. It really wasn't what you think. He only came over because he had to use the bathroom, a-and he found my diary and read it and I didn't want what he read getting out so he said if I kissed him he wouldn't tell so I-I did. I'm sorry Billy." Tears threatened time spill over, and I couldn't see clearly.

I felt arms on mine and we sat down on the side of the road next to each other. I wiped away my tears and put my diary to the side.

"If you d-don't want it g-getting out then w-why'd you bring it-t."

"I was going to read it to you, until I actually saw you and realized I couldn't." I let out a shaky breath.

"T-then let me r-read it."

"I just don't want our friendship to be ruined after you know."

"How b-bad could it-t b-be?" He nudged me with his elbow.

I slowly handed him my diary and watched as he read it.

He flipped through the pages, his face seemed emotionless.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even come here." I tried taking it out of his hands, but he held onto it and kissed me quickly.

"W-what was that for?" My heart races in my chest.

"I l-l-love you t-too." He smiled.

"Y-you do?" I stuttered as well.


I smiled, then I didn't. "Did you mean what you said yesterday? About me being a slut?"

"Of c-course not. I w-was j-just jealous-s."

I nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I kissed Richie. I should've just told you how I felt."

"It's o-okay. I'm s-sorry for calling y-you a slut-t."

"It's okay." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"W-will you b-be my gir-girlfriend?" He asked with a blush and a smile.

"I'd love to, billy."

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