Noah Schnapp// Framed (1)

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"Believe it or not, I met Finn at a music store. We were both in the Rock section and got talking about our favorite bands. I didn't even realize who I was talking to at first because he had on sunglasses and a hat. We exchanged numbers and started talking. We soon became friends and here were are." I told the cast of stranger things.

"That's so adorable!" Millie smiled happily.

"How come you've never told us before?" Caleb asked Finn, who was sitting next to me.

"It's just new, that's all. I wanted to make sure things would last a while before introducing you guys to her."

"I respect that." Gaten smiled at us.

Finn and I were holding hands, as most couples do.

"Do the IT boys and Sophia know?" Sadie asked.

"Not yet. We're planning on tell them next week when I go to film in Port Hope."

"Y/n, your sister is letting you travel with him?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "She trusts me not to get into too much trouble."

Sadie and Millie pulled me to the side, away from the boys; who were having their own discussion.

"Have you guys said I Love You yet?" Sadie asked with a hopeful smile.

I glanced over at Finn, who was already glancing at me.

"Not yet."

"Do you love him?"

I smiled. "Of course I do." I sighed dreamily. "Just his very presence is enough to make me feel happy. Not just regular happy, Happy to the point where I act stupid."

"Awe!!" The girls said in unison.

I looked over at Finn again, who was smiling at something Noah had said.

"My sister said I'm too young to know what love feels like but with the way Finn makes me feel, I know I'm not."

"You guys are so cute together. Maybe we could get you a part on the show!" Millie got excited.

"I'm not that good of an actor." I blushed.

"You had me fooled."

I turned around to see a blonde girl.

This is that girl from Finn's band.

"What?" I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"You heard me. I see right through your good girl act." She crosses her arms and stood confidently. I seemed like nothing standing in front of her.


"Back off Ayla, you're just jealous because Finn likes her and not you." Sadie stood up for me.

Ayla got in my face. "You better watch it, Princess. Your kingdom is about to come crashing down." She smirked.

Millie calmly walked over to the guys, and Ayla threw herself to the ground.

"Ow! Y/n, why'd you push me?" She cried.

Finn ran over and helped her up.

"Y/n!? What the hell!?" Finn yelled at me.

"I didn't do anything."

"She's a liar!" Sadie pointed to Ayla.

"Sadie hit me right before your little girlfriend over here pushed me down! She told me that I needed to back off you or else. She said she only wanted you for your money." She lied perfectly.

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