Spencer Reid//BLAT

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"Oh Penelope! My beautiful majestic queen, what do you want for lunch?" I asked Garcia before leaving.

"Ooh can you get me one of those sandwiches from Nancy's?"

"I sure can."

"Thank you, my love." She smiled as I left the room and headed for my desk. I noticed that everyone but Spencer had left for lunch already.

"Hey Reid, you wanna come with me to get lunch for Garcia and I? I'll even get you something if you want."

"No thanks. I'm going through the Mendez case. I just want to make sure I understand everything."

I grabbed the file out of his hands. "It won't hurt to take a small break. Plus, you'll be no help of you pass out from lack of food." I reasoned.

"Okay. But no more than an hour."

"Alrighty." I smiled and we went to my car.

"I have some Lysol and hand sanitizer in my glove department in case you need some."

"You just carry around Lysol and hand sanitizer?"

"Yeah. In case you're ever in here. I know you have a thing about germs. I assure you I keep my car clean."

I couldn't figure out the exact emotion he was feeling, but his eyes brows scrunched together a bit and he had a little smile on his face.

He didn't spray the Lysol but he did put on the hand sanitizer.

"Have you ever been to Nancy's?"

"Yeah. I usually get the Caesar salad or the BLT. Did you know that they're all organic?"

"I did. That's why I love them. They're BLAT is astronomical. It's just a BLT with avocado."

"I might have to try that."

"It's so good. It's my favorite thing ever."

We arrived and ordered 3 BLAT to go, and there was a military couple waiting behind us. The ordering station and paying station were in two different spots.

"Hey, can I pay for their order too?"

"Of course. Their total is $23.48." I handed her my card, paid, got our food, and left.

"How come you didn't talk to them?" Reid asked.

"I didn't want them to know it was me. My mom taught me to always thank the military, whether it's with words or a kind gesture. My grandfather was in the military."

"I can pay you back for my sandwich if it's too much."

I smiled and continued driving. "Don't worry about it. I still owe you for taking care of me after JJ's wedding."

"You were so drunk. I didn't trust anyone else to properly take care of you."

"And I can't thank you enough."

We continued talking and arrived at the BAU. I dropped off Penelope's food and went back to my desk.

"We have a suspect that needs to be interrogated. You two are the only ones available at the moment. Do you mind?" Hotch asked

"Sure. Who is it?"

"Parker Young. He's a suspect in the Mendez case."

"How do we approach the situation?"

"However you see fit." Hotch led reid and I to the room he was being held and we went in.

"Hello Mr.Young. Do you know why you're here?" Reid asked first.

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