Pietro Maximoff// PTSD

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⚠️Alcoholism, Rape, Violence, Mental Health Issues⚠️

"This is a great party Tony." I smiled at a fellow avenger.

"Well we all know rich people throw the best parties." He smirked arrogantly.


I grew up pretty poor. I wasn't living in a box or anything, but our electricity and water would get shut off once every few months. Eventually my mom and I moved in her with shitty boyfriend, Chad. He was an alcoholic who would beat us and occasionally make me have sex with him. He was awful. So as soon as I got the chance, I got out of there and supported us on our own. It took me ten years but I did it.

Then, when we were out celebrating our freedom, that asshole decided to ruin it. He tried shooting my mom, but I jumped in front of her.

The doctors tried an experimental surgery that clearly didn't go as planned. And now I'm a superhero.

Pietro and Wanda walked in. He looked so hot in his tuxedo.

My breath actually got Stuck in my throat.

"P-pietro, hi." I stuttered like an idiot.


"I didn't think you'd show up tonight." I smiled at him.

If you couldn't tell already I have a huge crush on him, I have ever since he saved my life back in 1983 when we were fighting off this evil apocalypse guy.

"Why not?"

"I know you don't like formal parties."

"Then I'll make it informal." He winked and sped over to the bar.

We all had a couple of drinks that night. A prank war has been going on throughout the facility for a couple weeks now.

I guess Pietro decided to continue it, in a really drunken way.

He quickly sped over to me, and pulled down my skirt in an attempt to Pants me.

Memories of Chad came flooding back. PTSD, you could say.

Pietro and Tony were laughing, Bucky as well.

"No! Chad, Stop! Please stop! I didn't do anything! I hate you! Stop!" I yelled as I cried uncontrollably.

Everyone got silent and I ran away.

I ran to my room and cried into my pillow.

I pulled open my nightstand drawer and took out a picture of Pietro and I from 1983. We looked so happy together. It was young love, except it never happened. He never asked me out so I let it go.

I cried myself to sleep, clutching that picture close to my chest.
The next morning, I woke up with a blanket on top of me and a killer headache.

I saw two aspirin and a glass of water with a straw in it.

I smiled lightly. He knows I only like drinking out of bottles, cans, or straws.

"Y/n, I really need to apologize for last night... I was drunk, and that's no excuse, but I thought it would be funny, part of the prank war. I swear I'll never drink ever again... around you." Pietro spoke from my now closed doorway.

"Peter, it's okay. I don't want you to feel bad. I understand that you were drunk."

"Why are you forgiving me for this? I triggered your PTSD, I knew about Chad and I still was stupid enough to do it!" He got mad at himself.

"It looks like you're beating yourself up enough for the both of us. I forgive you."

"Why? What I did was awful." He seemed really disappointed in himself.

I put my hand on his.

"Because I know you would never intentionally hurt me, Pietro. We love each other and we've always been... friends." I sighed.

"You sighed. Why did you sigh?" His eyes widened slightly.

"I- I didn't sigh. It was nothing." I lied.

"Yes, you totally did. Why'd you sigh?" He asked again.

"Because I don't want to be friends. We've known each other since '83. When we first met it was magical. You saved my life and I fell in lo-" I stopped myself before spilling completely.

"Are you kidding me!? He yelled a little bit.

I jumped, startled.

"Sorry, Sorry. Just... you mean to tell me, you've been in love with me since we first met in 1983?" He asked like he couldn't believe it.

"Yeah." I whispered and looked down.

"So this entire time, 30 damn Years, we could have been together!?" He yelled again.


"I've been in love with you since that summer too, and then we kind of fell out and I got depressed and then the whole HYDRA thing happened."

"Wait, you love me too?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, yes, I do! Will you marry me?"

"Holy shot that was fast."

"I do everything fast babe." He kissed me roughly, and I put my hands on his cheeks, which quite literally stopped time.

That's my power. Time.

"Yes, I'll marry you, Pietro." I smiled happily.

"Great! Let's go buy a ring!" He grabbed my hand.

"Wait! Let me change first."

"Right. Meet you downstairs in five!"

"Make it ten! We aren't all fast!" I yelled out the door to him.

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