Ron Weasley// American

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Anger bubbles inside me as I saw Draco Malfoy bullying my friends.

"Hey Malfoy! What did I tell you about talking to my friends?" I threatened him.

We were all down by Hagrid's house, where Hermione punched him a few years ago.

"You're too much of a lazy American to beat me up, not that you could anyway." He laughed and so did his stupid goons.

Yeah, I'm from America, but I'm enrolled in Hogwarts because my parents died when I was a kid, and now I live with my best friend Ron.

I must say, a groggy Ron Weasley is very attractive. His morning voice send chills down my spine every time.

We're never apart, which is why I'm so close with him.

"You wanna bet!?" I trotted up to him angrily.

"Harry, hold my wand." I gave him my wand.

I punched Draco in the jaw and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Stay the fuck away from them, or else you won't be left alive next time. Got it?"

"You better get your girl Weasley, she's bonkers." Draco stood up and ran away.

I ran up to Ron, who had already clearly been injured by that idiot. Harry and Hermione gave us alone time.

"Ron, are you okay?" I checked out his arm.

"I'm fine. I don't need to you to protect me. I can handle it by myself." He seemed annoyed.

"Obviously not, He was so about to murder you."

"Another minute and I would've handled it." He actually seemed really upset.

"Another minute and you would've been in the damn nurses office Ron. Can't you just thank me instead of letting your Ego get in the way." Now I was starting to get annoyed.

"Thank you, y/n, thank you so much for protecting me from the big bad Malfoy. Christ, Are all stupid Americans this stubborn?"

He knows I hate being called American. I know I am, but everyone here is so racist about it. They're always saying "here comes the American" or "in five years she'll be fat, dumb, and lazy."

Ron was always one of the three people who never said anything, until now.

"Don't expect me home tonight. I'm staying at Hermione's."

We were going on one of our breaks from school.

Before this, I was excited about going home and seeing Ginny and Fred and George. Now? I just want to talk to someone.

I stormed into my room and quickly, and magically, packed my bags.

I wasn't headed for Hermione's house. I couldn't do that to her and her parents.

I can't stay with Harry, his aunt and uncle are so rude, and his cousin always hits on me.

So I acted like I was going to leave, but really I just stayed in my dorm for a couple of nights.


I was getting really worried about y/n, she hasn't called mom or Ginny.

"Hermione, hows y/n? I- I miss her. Tell her to please come home. I need her." I called Hermione.

"Y/n? Y/n isn't here. I thought she went home with you?"

"What? No. I said some really stupid things and I ended up calling her a stupid American and she told me she was staying with you."

"Well she isn't. Maybe she's with Harry?"

"No, Harry is here with me. Where else could she be?"

"Maybe she's still at the school. I didn't see her on the train back."

"Alright, if anyone asks, you don't know where I am." I hung up the phone and grabbed my jacket.

I made possibly the biggest mistake of my life.

The girl I love is so pissed at me, rightfully so.

How could I be such an insensitive prick?

I flashed to Hogwarts and knocked on y/n's door.

She opened the door.

She looked like she hasn't slept in days. And she's been crying, I can see it. What I said really hurt her.

"Ron," the way her voice spoke my name usually made me happy, but this time was different; she barely even had a voice left.

I wanted to just tell her I was sorry, but all that came out was:

"You lied to me!"

Your POV

"I was going to stay with Hermione, but then I figured that her parents wouldn't want me at their house, sleeping under their roof."  my voice cracked slightly.

"Why wouldn't they?" Ron asked softly as he stepped into my room. I shut the door behind him.

"Why would they want a filthy American stinking up their house." I broke down crying again.

I sat on my bed, knees pulled up against my chest and my head down.

He quickly rushed over to me, wrapping his arms around me

I was now crying into his shoulder.

"No, no, you aren't a filthy American, I am so sorry that I said that, I was upset because you're way more brave and badass than I am. I could never stand up to Malfoy, but you did and I was jealous."

"It's okay, Ron. I forgive you."

"That easily? Why?" He was genuinely confused.

"Because I love you Ron, why else?" I sniffled and traced my fingers over his sweater sleeve.

"Y-you love me?"

"I wasn't planning on telling you like this. At all actually. And I know you clearly don't feel the same, but I wanted to tell you. The stress of keeping it a secret is making my hair fall out." I joked.

"I- I love you too, y/n." He smiled.

I looked up at him.

"Wait really?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, of course. I wanted to ask you out a few weeks ago but then I saw you talking to Harry and you guys seemed really comfortable around each other and I thought you liked him."

"Harry? God no, Harry is like a brother to me. I could never see him that way. I only ever want to see you like that."

"Yeah me too." He smiled.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked.

"Hey! I was supposed to ask you." He complained a little.

"I mean you can but there's no guarantee I'll say yes." I joked.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with a smile.

I acted like I was thinking about it.

"I guess." I smiled and shrugged.

"Wait till Ginny hears about this." He smirked.

"What?" I laughed.

"Ginny told me that I was too scared to ask you out, so she was wrong."

I bit my lip.

"You're a dork, Ron Weasley. I absolutely love it." I smiled and cuddled up to my new boyfriend.

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