Damon Salvatore//Second Choice

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"Good morning hot stuff." My friend Damon spoke up from beside me.

"Please tell me I didn't have sex with you last night." I groaned.

"Of course you did. You confessed your love for me and I took advantage of it."

"Seriously?" I sat up, holding the sheets across my chest.

"Of course, you know me, I don't get attached."

"You got attached to Elena, and she went running back to Stefan." I said bitterly.

"Not for long. I have a plan."

"To do what? Kill people until she comes running back too you, asking you to stop which you will. Because everyone always does what Elena says."

"Wow. Jealousy is extra high today."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, wrapping the sheets around my naked body.

I walked over to my clothes, by the window, and got burned.

"You fucking turned me!? You asshole!" I put the sheet over my entire body.

"Awe. Look at the cute little ghost. This is the part where you say Boo!" He teased.

I put on my clothes, including my hoodie.

"Don't talk to me, I'll figure it out on my own."

I uncontrollably sped to the door and opened it.

I had my whole body covered by my clothes, and I walked to Bonnie and i's dorm room.

"Bonnie you here?" I closed the curtain and took off my hoodie.

"Why are you wearing that hoodie?" Bonnie asked me. I saw Caroline there too.

"Guess who's finally apart of the supernatural crew." I threw up a peace sign and continued "and the broken hearts crew." My voice cracked and I started crying. I don't cry. Ever.

"What did Damon do now!?" Caroline asked angrily.

"Apparently. I got drunk last night at his house, confessed my feelings for him, had sex with him, he turned me. And this morning said I was a rebound."

"Damon's an asshole but I really thought he liked you y/n." Bonnie spoke up.

"I-I need a daylight ring." I stuttered.

"I'll text Liv." She stood up and got on her phone.

"Care, every emotion I feel is so overwhelming, it hurts."

"I know, I know, I'll call Elena, she can help."

"No, I'm tired of everyone choosing Elena over me. you, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon; you all do it. And you guys don't realize how much it hurts to always be second place..." I cried. "I love Damon with every ounce in me, but he doesn't care, and that's what broke me. He broke me Caroline!"

I stood up.

"I'm gonna t-take a bath, and try to relax."

"Okay, if you need anything, let us know and we'll do it." Care hugged me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I grabbed a pair of cotton shorts and a cotton shirt.

I locked myself in the bathroom.

I'm dead. I'm actually dead.

And I don't hate him for it. I love him now more than ever.

I ran my bath water and took of my clothes.

I stared at myself in the mirror.

When it was high enough, I got in. I sat down, and laid back.

I stared up at the ceiling.

I felt some tears down my face, then suddenly I was underwater, drowning.

Who the hell is drowning me?

I thrashed around in the water hoping Caroline or Bonnie would hear me.

The door crashed open, and it suddenly stopped.

I got pulled up and wrapped in a towel.

"W-who was that?" I coughed up water.

I could t stop coughing.

"There was nobody here, y/n" Caroline spoke as she held me.

I put on my clothes and laid in my bed.

"I felt someone holding me down, I couldn't get up, I couldn't breathe.

The door opened as I once again started crying and revealed Damon.

"Woah, What happened here?" He asked with a devilish smirk. "It looked like someone can't handle her emotions very well."

"She almost fucking drowned Damon! Some witch bitch decided that y/n deserved to drown."

He looked concerned, and was immediately in Front of me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I knelt down.

I couldn't look at him.

I coughed into my towel again.

"Can you give us a minute?" Damon asked them.

I slowly nodded, and they left the room, no doubt listening from outside the door.

"Why are you here, Damon?"

"I was lookin for Elena-"

"Oh, she's not here, I think she's in her microbiology class." You couldn't practically hear my heart breaking in my voice.

"I wanted to y'all to her about you, actually."

"Let me guess, about how you slept with me, to make her jealous. As if that would do it."

"No, I was gonna tell her how badly I screwed things up with you."


"About how I stupidly said you were a rebound, even though you're not. And how I took advantage of you while you were drunk and turned you. I am so sorry y/n"

"Did you just apologize? Damon Salvatore doesn't apologize..."

"He does when he wants something."

"What do you want? Another hookup? A date with Elena? Or maybe you just want me to leave altogether, that seems like the best option for everyone here." My voice cracked.

"I want you, idiot. Not Elena. Not anyone. But you. Got it?"

"Why? The only cool thing about me is that I'm a vampire now."

"Ugh. You're very annoying, you know that? I like you because you're fun to be around, and you're pretty and nice, and sweet. And you know the real me, and you don't try to change me."

"I don't try to change you because I know I can't."

"You could. If you really wanted to."

"I don't think I do. Except for the being an asshole part."

"Come on! That's my main trait. Take that away and I'm just a sexy alcoholic."

I chuckled at his joke.

"See, I made you laugh." He smiled.

I kissed him and pulled away.

"Are you sure you want to be with me. I'm giving you a free our, right now.

"I'm sure."

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