Max Thunderman//Evil

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I've been best friends with the Thunderman twins since they first got here. I hang out with phoebe more because I get nervous around max. He's just so cute.

My superpowers include invisibility and matter manipulation.

I can rearrange the density of my molecules, and whatever I want.

I knocked on the door and it swung open to revel Max, who looked extra hot today.

"Hey Max, Where's phoebe?" I asked.

"Not here right now. She'll be back later." He shut the door in my face, so I phased through it.

"I forgot you could do that." He sighed.

I studied him for a minute. He looked upset.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked him concerned.

"Dr. Colosso and I got into a fight." He violently made a sandwich while explaining what the fight was about.

"I am NOT going soft! I will never be a dumb superhero like you and my family"

While is words did slightly hurt, this wasn't about me and I knew it.

"Just show him that you're still as evil and you were. And I know this isn't gonna help, but I don't think you're evil either Max. You're too sweet to me." I smiled and grabbed the extra sand which he had made for me without realizing it.

"Hey! I am not sweet to you!" He took back the sand which.

"Not always. Only when we're alone. That's what makes me like you even more Max Thunderman." I smiled and walked to pheobe's room.

I waited in her chair for her to arrive back home.

"Hey, I'm gonna have to cancel our plans for tonight. I'm so sorry but something came up and-

"It's okay Pheebs. I understand." I smiled to her, letting her know it was okay.

"Okay good. Thank you."

"No problem." I stood up and walked downstairs, and went to say bye to Max.

I walked down his stairs instead of going down the slide because I didn't know if he was in bed or not.

"Y/n, why are you down here?" Dr. Colosso asked.

"I was looking for Max to say goodbye. Where is he?"

"I don't know where that traitor is."

I sighed and stood in front of his cage, kneeling down.

"Colosso, I know you want max to be evil, and lax wants himself to be evil... but I know he's not. He's such a nice person. And I don't want him to be evil because then the chances of us working out and actually ending up together are near 0%, and I don't want that. But he does. So I'm happy. Or at least I'm acting like I am..."

It got silent. "What I'm trying to say is, no matter what he chooses. Good or evil, it's his choice. You're gonna have to be happy with it. Or at least act like you are." I finished my speech.

"That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard." The rabbit told me.

I sighed.

"Maybe. But I know max. He might screw stuff up sometimes, but he always fixes it. That's what makes him special." I smiled and stood back up, turning around to see Max holding a carrot.

"Oh, Max, I'm sorry for coming in here without asking. I just thought you might've been in here."

"You think I'm special?" He asked.

"So you heard all that." I cleared my throat and looked at his bed.

"Yeah." He just stood there.

"You are one of the most determined people I've ever met, Max. You're not afraid to be different than what people expect you to be. You don't care what people think about you. As much as you hate to admit it: you're a good person. That's pretty damn special Max."

He still wasn't saying anything.

"Anyway, I came down here to say goodbye..."

"Goodbye? Where are you going?" He asked concerned.

"Home. Maybe the park." I wanted to look at him, and see his cute face, but I couldn't.

I had basically just confessed my feelings to his rabbit, which he overheard.

"So... yeah I'm gonna go." I walked out of his Lair and onto the porch.

I exhale deeply and close my eyes.

Max has been my crush for two years. Two years I have wanted him. Two years I've secretly wrote about him in my diaries, and I've secretly had dreams about him.

I sat on his porch for twenty minutes.

I know it was weird, but I didn't want to go home just yet.

It was starting to get dark.

Max slowly crept out of his house.

"Max, where are you going?" I asked.

"Y/n," his eyes widened.

I saw a duffle bag around him.

"What's that?" I asked with a smile that just seems to appear around him.


"I've been out here thinking Max," I paused.


"You mostly..."

He sat down next to me.

"Why would you be thinking about me?" He asked.

"Didn't you hear my entire confession to Dr. Colosso about liking you?"


"Oh... then forget that."

He looked at me softly.

"I'm a super villain. It won't work... you know that right."

"I know, that you make me happy, Max. I don't care about hero or villain. I just care about you."

"Why!?" He raises his voice. "It will never work out between us y/n! Even if I wasn't a villain, you're my sisters best friend! And..."

"What?" I asked.

"And you're too emotional. Nobody wants that." He broke eye contact.

"All you have to say is that you don't feel the same."

He stayed silent.

I smiled. "You're not saying anything."

He still stayed quiet, but he was slightly smiling.

"Max." I whispered.

He looked at me.

"I like you a lot. And I know that you want to be a villain. But you're not capable of being evil. I know it." I pressed my lips to his and it was amazing.


"I love the way you say my name."

"I love saying it." I smiled goofily.

"I like you too." His mouth twitched.

I smiled at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


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