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"You can't just send me away to some school!" I yelled at my dad.

"I can and I will! There's are things I clearly never knew about your mom, I won't have witchcraft going on in my house!"

"I can't control it! Mom died before I could even walk!"

"This school is going to be good for both of us, y/n. You'll learn to control it and I won't have to worry about you killing someone."

"You think I'm going to kill someone?" I asked In disbelief.

"Your kind is dangerous. Unpredictable."

I scoffed. "Goodbye Dad." I walked out the door with my bag and was met with an older man and a couple of kids.

"I know we didn't plan on picking up a new student but she needed us, so be nice." He spoke to the three girls.

"A-are you Alaric saltzman?" I asked.

"Yes. You must be y/n."

I nodded my head and looked at the other girls. They were all gorgeous.

"Hi, I'm Josie. This is my twin sister Lizzie, and our friend Hope."

"Hi." I waved before getting in the car. Despite lizzie's complaining, I got the front seat.

"So what are you?" Lizzie asked.

"Um, witch I guess? You guys?"

"Hope is a tribrid-"

"The only one in existence" Josie interrupted.

"She's werewolf, witch, and vampire. But she hasn't activated that part yet. And Josie and I are siphoners. We don't have our own magic but we can get some from pretty much everyone at school just by touching them."

I nodded. "And I'm just human." Alaric chuckled. I smiled politely.

When we arrived at the school, I was extremely nervous.

"So do you like boys or girls? I know you just got here but that doesn't mean you can't find some chemistry." Lizzie asked me. She doesn't have a filter i guess.

"Both. But I tend to lean more towards boys."

"Okay. Let me introduce you to some of my friends."

She introduced me to Landon, hopes boyfriend, Raphael, the alpha, Kaleb, the cool vampire, and Wade, the fairy.

"Lastly, we have Milton. But he prefers being called MG. He's a total bookworm dork. He likes comics. It's also important to know that if he has human blood he became a what's known as a ripper. Murder Central."

I looked at him for the first time and sparks flew... literally. I couldn't control it.

Lizzie did some spell to stop the sparks coming from mid air.

"I'll leave you two to it." She winked at both of us.

"Um. Hi, I'm MG, sorry about Lizzie. Are you new here?"

"Yeah. I'm a witch if you couldn't tell. I don't know how to control it though."

"I'm not a witch but I could help. I have plenty of witch friends."

I smiled at how nice he was being.

"I'd love that. Thank you."
After a few weeks, and a lot of tutor sessions with MG, things started slowly happening. Whether it was hugging or just always being around each other.

"Thanks for helping me. I think History of Mystic Falls has to be my least favorite subject here." I laughed a little.

"Of course! By now you have to know of Damon and Stefan Salvatore."

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