Elijah Mikaleson//Can I Have This Dance?

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"Happy birthday, y/n" Rebekah came into my room waking me up from my slumber.

"Rebekah, darling, I hope you didn't plan to throw me a ball. I hate balls." Realizing what I just said, we both laughed a little.

Sometimes instead of a normal party, the Mikaelson's will throw a ball.

"It's already happening. Your ballgown arrived this morning, and because I know you dislike them I got you a simple one."

She brought in the gown with a smile.

"Try it on."

"I'll try it on later. I'm starving." I stood up and went into the kitchen.

"Here is your breakfast Miss Y/n." One of Rebekah's compelled maids handed me my tray.

"Thank you." I took it and nodded.

While the Mikaelson's may be considered royalty here in New Orleans, I am far from it.

I turned around to head back to my room when I ran into Elijah, Rebekah's older brother.

"Y/n, happy birthday. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the ball tonight." He smiled.

"That would make one of us."

"Let me walk you to your room." He took my tray of food.

"Thank you. How have you been?"

"I've been well. My urges make things difficult though."

"Which urges?" I chuckled.

"The homicidal kind" he looked at me and I looked at him.

I knew Elijah would never hurt me. Rebekah cares about me too much.

I looked away before he did and grabbed his arm to stop him from walking into someone.

I laughed and gently rubbed my thumb over his arm.

It got quiet and I dropped my hand to my side, taking my tray back.

"Thank you for walking with me. It was a pleasure talking to you again. I'll see you later." I smiled and walked into my room.

"Ah! Here she is now. Y/n, meet Andrew."

"It's nice to meet you y/n. Happy birthday."

"Thank you. It's wonderful to meet you too, Andrew." I smiled politely.

"Andrew will be your date to the ball."

"I don't get to choose my own date?"

"Trust me, out of the choices, Andrew is the best."

I silently nodded and they both left the room. Throughout the day I had my hair done and my gown put on. By the time it was all said and done, I could barely breathe.

"You'll get used to it. You look amazing!" Rebekah smiled. "I invited the Salvatore's and your friends from Virginia. I figured you'd want them here."

"Thank you." I smiled.

Rebekah walked out and Elijah walked in.

"You look absolutely stunning, y/n."

"I can barely breathe." I chuckled slightly.

"Let me help."

He walked behind me and started untying my corset. It felt intimate and made me nervous.

"You've been doing this stuff a lot longer than me. What's it like?"

"It's... boring. I'm sure you at least know that. Why haven't you said anything to her yet?"

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