Klaus Mikaelson//Living Hell

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Klaus Mikaelson was truly what made my life a living hell.

I don't hate the man, in fact I have a soft spot for him. Which is exactly why my life was a living hell.

"He's dangerous, y/n. You should know that better than any of us." Elena tried reasoning.

"Considering I've known the man for over a century I'd say I know him a LOT better than y'all do. Trust me, he isn't going to hurt me. Which is why I have to make the deal, not the hot lumberjack." I mocked Damon's flannel.

"Why don't we send in Caroline. He's basically in love with her."

"Because we-" Caroline stopped herself mid sentence. "I just can't."

I looked over at Bonnie and she gave me a sympathetic look.

"You had sex with klaus!?" I practically yelled.

"How the hell did you know!?"

"Intuition bitch!"

Caroline's most dropped open. "Excuse me? What the fuck your problem?"

"My problem is that you had sex with klaus fucking mikaelson of all people!"

"I don't have to explain myself to you!"

"I'm going to meet him and that's final. If any of you follow me I will not hesitate to snap your fucking necks." I stormed out of the house and to the grill where we were meeting.

I sat at the bar waiting for a few minutes before a middle aged man came up to me.

"Hey sweet cheeks, how about I buy you a drink and in return we go back to my place and Uh, work it out."

"That was the stupidest pick up line I've ever heard. Come on man, you can do better than that. I'll give you one more try." I downed my shot and gave my full attention to him.

"Okay, uh...  are you a vampire? Because I want you to suck me dry."

"Well, as long as I have your consent." I began standing up but Klaus stood in my way.

"Sorry, she's with me." He glared at the man.

"Oh come on Nik, he gave his consent." I pouted and gave puppy dog eyes. He compelled the man to walk away.

"The only person you're going to be sucking around here is me." He leaned in to kiss my neck but I turned away.

"It seems like you've found someone else to do that for you. So I guess you won't be needing me anymore. Will you?"

He rolled his eyes. "I should've known Caroline would've blabbed."

"She didn't. Which is worse."

"How is that worse love?"

"Because she lied to me, klaus. You both did! Now let's just discuss the deal so I can get out of here."

"First I want to know why you're so bloody upset. We agreed this wasn't exclusive. This was just for fun."

"I'm upset because you didn't tell me. Is Caroline the only one?" I crossed my arms.

He took a sip of his bourbon.

"Didn't think so." I grabbed my phone and he snatched it out of my hand.

"If you want to act like a brat, then I'll treat you like one."

He sped us to the hotel he was staying at.

"Klaus, I don't want to tonight."

"We don't have to do anything extreme-"

"Please, Klaus don't make me." My eyes started watering and his expression softened into concern.

"Is everything okay, love? Apart from the obvious. Did someone mishandle you?"

"Why do you say it like that? Nobody 'mishandled' me."

"Then why are you so upset over the littlest thing?"

"It might seem little to you because you're a guy and you can literally get any girl that you want, but I can't get anyone I want. I'm good enough to fuck but I'm not good enough to be in a real relationship with and I'm fucking sick of it!"

"Who told you that? I'll rip out their heart."

"You didn't have to say it klaus. It's literally what our relationship is. You might not have been exclusive, but I always have been."

"There's no way i'm the only person you slept with for over 300 years."

"You're the only guy I've ever slept with. In my entire 382 years."

"You've never slept with any other man? I'm the only person who has been inside of you?"

I nodded. "Of course there were a LOT of women, and of course men always hit on me, but you were the only one I ever wanted to sleep with."

"Other than being an original hybrid, what's so special about me apart from the other 7billion people in the world?"

"They way you paint even in the worst of times. You can make something beautiful out of nothing. How you won't hesitate to stake your family, yet you still care and protect them. when I got turned, you found me on the side of the trail and took me in. You've always been special klaus, you're just too blind to see it."

"Are you in love with me, y/n?"

I sighed. "I know you love Caroline. And that's okay. I understand. But I can't do this with you anymore. I can't talk to you after we make our deal. If you want to make it up to me, leave Elena alone. Let her live her life, and then when she's ready, she will willingly give you her blood."

"That's what you truly want? To make this deal and cut ties?"

"Not completely. We can be friends klaus, but we can't do any of the things we've been doing."

He sighed. "i can't believe I'm saying this but I'm gonna miss you." He bit his inner cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I'll come and visit you in New Orleans when I'm ready. But don't contact me unless it's life or death."

He gave a small nod and I stood up, going back to the Salvatore house bawling my eyes out.

"So, what happened?" Caroline asked, ignoring my cries and puffy pink eyes.

"Elena is free. for now. And you get to have klaus." I sped up to my room before she could respond.

I went to my bathroom and turned on the shower without getting in. I sat in the floor of my bathroom fully clothed, sobbing.

There was a small voice in my head telling me to turn it off. Except I knew I needed this. I needed to feel sad so I wouldn't make this mistake again. I have to tough it out.

My bathroom door opened and Bonnie came in, closing it behind her, and sitting next to me, hugging me as I cried on her shoulder.

"Don't let me turn it off Bonnie. Ever. Not if he's the reason."

"I won't. I promise."

Klaus mikaleson made my life a living hell. But who said hell was all bad?

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