Scott Summers//pretty cool

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1983. That was the year I met the love of my life. Scott Summers.
I walked down the stairs of the school.

I was about to go outside to work on one of my assignments, when I saw A boy with brown hair wearing a blindfold.

He was standing next to I assume his brother.

"Hi, my name is y/n, do you guys need something?"

"Do you know where we can find Charles Xavier?"

"It depends on who's asking."

"Oh, I'm Alex Summers, and this is my brother Scott."

"Alex Summers as in Cuba?"

"That's the one."

I looked at Scott. He looks kinda cute.

"The blindfold?" I asked.

"Laser eyes." Scott spoke for the first time.

I smiled. "Nice."

"What's your power?" Alex asked.

"Atom manipulation. And I can control light."


I stared at Scott with a slight smile on my face. His lips look nice. I pulled myself out of it and looked at Alex.

"Right. Well Charles is this way." I led them to a room with Charles, Hank, and the CIA agent."

"Alex Summers." Hank said with a smile.

I felt that I wasn't needed anymore, so I went outside and sat behind my favorite tree.

I liked being alone, I don't have to worry about losing people.

Half an hour into doing my homework, I was bending the light around me. Making little rainbows in my hands.

I smiled.

I felt something go through me and looked down and saw a laser beam.

What the hell?

The tree split in half.

I looked back and saw Charles standing with Scott, who was putting his blindfold on.

I threw my arms up.

"Dude!" I ran over to them.

"You're lucky that objects can phase through me!"

"W-What happened? Did I hit someone?"

"Well yes and no." Charles said. "Y/n here can change her density, and move light, like your lasers."

His lips slightly parted.

"I-I'm Sorry. I didn't know anyone was back there, I- I can't really control it." He apologized.

"It's okay. Just watch where you look, okay?" I put my hand on his arm and walked away. I heard his brother talk.

"She was staring again."

I ignored it and kept on walking.

The next day, I thought I'd dress cute.

I went to my 9AM class and got out at ten

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I went to my 9AM class and got out at ten.

I went outside to read, I sat at a different tree since mine was destroyed.

I read my book and tuned out the rest of the world.

I watched Scott try to hit the target, then I went back to reading.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey... y/n, right."

I looked up at the boy with laser eyes.

He can see me? He has glasses on now.

"Yeah," I smiled. "I like the glasses."

"Thanks. They keep me from destroying everyone so that's good." He said nervously.

"Well not everyone. I'm immune remember."

"Riiiight. I almost forgot." He joked with a small laugh.

I smiled.

His laugh is adorable, his smile is amazing, and his lips are so... captivating.

I cleared my throat, hoping he didn't notice.

"So uh, do you want a tour of the school?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah that'd be cool."

I gave him a full tour of the mansion, except the basement. I stumbled on it when I was about 11, I was having fun and phasing through walls, when I accidentally phased through the floor and found cerebro.

"What's the scariest thing to happen to you? With your powers?" He asked.

"This one time, I was just getting the hang of them, and I tried phasing through the wall, but got stuck in the middle so I was just inside the walls for hours."

"Damn, that's scary."

"Yeah. What about you? I mean I know they're new but..."

"Probably when Charles told me that I had hit you. I felt really bad." He rubbed the back of his neck.

I smiled. "Well at least I'm doing better than that tree." I giggled and he just stared at me.

"Sorry. That was ugly wasn't it."

"Not at all. It was cute."

I tried not to smile and I looked out the window.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I turned back, blushing. "Scott, I think you're pretty cool."

He smiled goofily. "I think you're pretty cool yourself, y/n."

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