Stiles Stilinski// Board

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I stared at the board in Stiles' bedroom, trying to make sense of everything that's been going on.

"Stiles, what is all of this? I mean, I know what it is, but why is it all connected?"

"That's what I've been trying to figure out, y/n. See these two occurrences? This one with you at school, and the other one with Scott in the woods the night he became a werewolf? I think the wolf that attacked you was part of his pack."

I sighed. "I don't really want to talk about this anymore, Stiles. Can't we just watch a movie like normal teenagers?" I pleaded.

"But I'm so close y/n. I can feel it. There's just something missing..."

I sighed.

I stared at Stiles, who was in full detective mode. He's super hot when he's like this, but then again he's super hot like all the time.

He was fiddling with his infamous green marker.

I stood up and crawled into his bed. I'm super tired, and it's getting late.

I yawned and turned on my side, facing stiles.

"Goodnight stiles."

He turned back at me, and walked over, kneeling beside me.

He kissed my forehead, causing my to smile.

"Night y/n. Sweet dreams."

I closed my eyes, still hearing him work.

I got jolted awake suddenly by stiles.

"Y/n, it's Liam! It has to be!" He sounded excited.

Sooooo... when I get woken up suddenly after not getting enough sleep, I get cranky.

"Stiles, let me sleep." I whined.

"But y/n, Liam is the one who has been attacking people!"

"I'm so tired Stiles, please just lay down next to me so we can sleep. We can talk about it in the morning." I groaned, laying back down.

"S-sleep, with you, like next to each other?" He got nervous.

"Yes. Please. I'm so tired and cold."

He quickly put down his marker and crawled in bed next to me.

I scooted back against him. After a few minutes, I felt something poking me.

"Do you want to take care of that or should I?" I asked, eyes still closed.

"U-Uh sorry. I'll get it."

I turned around to look at him, it now poking my stomach.

We stared at each other quietly.

I lightly pressed my lips against his, he didn't object.

"You just... what?"

"Jeez stiles. How many hints do I have to drop?" I asked.

"A couple more should be fine."

I smiled and kissed him again.

"Now can we go to sleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, Yeah."

I flipped back over and he wrapped his arm around me. 

We both fell asleep peacefully next to each other.
The next morning, I awoke to see stiles in a towel.

He glanced over at me and I quickly shut my eyes.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." He chuckled.

I opened my eyes slowly.

"Good morning." I smiled uncontrollably.

"Don't think I didn't catch you spying on me."

"I don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about." I stood up.

"Mhm. Sure." He smiled while putting on some clothes.

I smiled and looked over at his board.

"Didn't you say something about Liam last night?"

"Yeah. He's the one who's been doing all of the attacks."

"That's impossible."

"What? no it's not."

"Yeah. He was on a date with some girl when I got attacked. It couldn't be him."

He sighed.

"I'm sorry y/n. I really thought it was him."

I noticed something about the board. Inconsistencies.

"But... assuming Malia was in Beacon Hills two weeks before she said she was, it could be her. She wasn't at any of the attacks as a human, and we both know she doesn't go on dates or have any friends other than the pack."

He jumped up and smiled.

"Y/n, you are a literal genius!" He picked me up and spun me around. When my feet hit the wooden floor, he smashed his lips against mine.

I threw my arms around his neck and melted in his arms.

"I fucking love you" I breathed out as we pulled away.

For a split second he looked shocked, then he grew a smile.

"I love you too." He stared at me.

I snapped out of the trance he put me in.

"We need to go find Scott and tell him about Malia, like now."

"Yeah let's go."

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