Newt (TMR)// Books

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Last month, I was sent up to The Glades with some more supply crates and boxes.

Bro the only girl was really lonely, the guys wouldn't let me play in any games or fights, I couldn't be a runner despite being faster than half of them, so the boys deemed me a medjack. I don't really talk to anyone unless it's medical related, I tried talking to some of them when I first got here but all they did was tell me the basics and assign me a job.

I'm usually not too busy during the day, only a few minor injuries or cuts, so I like to sit outside along the tree line and admire nature.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath through my nose. The air smelt fresh, and slightly salty like a beach.

I don't remember ever going to a beach, but I've read about them in the books they've sent up.

I opened my eyes and saw everyone running towards the box.

I quickly stood up and ran towards the crowded area, maybe it will be another girl!

Being small, I pushed passed and waved through the crowd like nothing, getting to the front.

It was a boy. I hopped down into the box with Newt, who works in the gardens, and the unconscious boy.

"1,2,3." We both picked the boy up and helped him get out.

Being the medjack, I leaned over him to check for any cuts or injuries.

His eyes started opening and I smiled. "Hi."

"H-hi. Where am I?" He started freaking out.

"The Glades."

He quickly stood up and took off running.

I quickly stood up to go after him but Newt's hand landed on my shoulder.

I looked at him and felt butterflies when we locked eyes.

"Let the greenie go, he won't get far."

I looked back at the new guy and he tripped and fell.

"Told ya." He smiled and hopped back down to the box.

Most of the boys had dispersed besides Alby and Minho, who were now going after the greenie.

I sat on the edge of the ground and Newt helped me down. His hands were on my waist and mine were on his shoulders.


He nodded and we let go, grabbing some boxes.

I bent down picked one up, and set it up in the ground.

"I-uh i think I can get this."

"Oh... are you sure? I don't have anything to do."

"Um, yeah. You're wearing a dress and every time you bend down-"

"Oh! Oh my god. Thank you for telling me and not just being a perv like the rest of the guys." I slightly chuckled and sat down on a box with my legs together.

"How come you never talk to anybody?" He asked.

"Nobody here likes me" I smiled and scoffed. "I tried talking to everyone the first week I got here and nobody wanted to be my friend so they just ignore me unless they're hurt."

"How come you never tried talking to me?" He asked.

I shrugged. "After getting rejected so many times you just stop trying."

"Well I'm talking to you now aren't I?"

"Yeah but we're alone. If anyone was around would you still talk to me?"

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