36 Closing Ceremony

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Remus, Disciple of the Night

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Remus, Disciple of the Night

The sun had reached its midpoint within the sky. Remus found solace when it began its descent, for it when darkness would reign upon the lands; where none but the moonlight were creatures' saving light.

Remus perched atop the Manehattan stadium. Looking down before the bleachers, the ponies looked like clustered ants within his sight. A fitting title for them, he thought. After their transgression toward his kind, nothing would stir his heart more.

"Patience," Remus whispered to himself. "The crusade will come in time. I must be patient."

Remus has endured months of rattling from his inaction. Days and nights invested in the Canterlot castle, studying its corridors and rooms to unlock secrets Princess Celestia has hidden from all. His hunger for vengeance growled louder whenever he passed the gaudy window telling of Nightmare Moon's defeat. The gall of Princess Celestial to flaunt his Lord's loss enraged him, his need to act became more and more difficult to abstain.

But he must endure, should he not want history to repeat itself.

His efforts will show fruition in the coming days. And once he has done so, nothing will ever again rival against his Lord.

Remus takes a deep breath. Before he could pore about his plans, he needed the assurance of the foals' security.

Though it troubles him to admit it, his faith in Loving Bud has grown over the course of these months. Her sheer dedication and defiance for the sake of his lord was something he could not deter respect for.

The remnant stone had chosen a suitable host to care for his lord. If the stone made the misfortune to latch onto any of those selfish mares from Canterlot, he would have no choice but to intervene. And he knew that could ruin everything he strove to pave for his lord.

However, Remus had wondered something about the remnant stone's decision. A question that waned over the thestral's mind since the beginning of his phantom partnership with Loving Bud.

Why did the remnant stone choose a pony and not a thestral?

Things would have gone simpler had one of his sisters of the Raven's nest bore them. He could have returned to his jungle among his brethren and mentor them of his kind and of Artemis's lost memories.

Their birth among ponies only brought complications that compelled Remus to remain in these pony lands longer than he would like. Nebula's birth sparked controversy among ponies of Remus's kind. He could not risk exposure to even a single pony.

If only he could speak with stone, he would beseech for reasons for their decision. The thestral kind can emit soundwaves that can only be received by the kind. The remnant stone is no different.

However, now that a pony has become a host of the remnant, there is now the possibility that she can hear his kind. A possibility he does not wish to gamble against.

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