14 (2/2) Cake Wedding

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An hour had passed since Bud left Raven with Gossamer, who went to the town hall for their rehearsal. Bud was happy that Gossamer recruited Raven for a spot as flower filly, though he appeared oblivious to Raven's shaky hesitance. Hopefully, Bud's talk with her cleansed any concern she had, but the nervousness her student espoused felt a bit discouraging. Bud could only hope that is was only due to stage fright.

After attending to her student, Bud returned to her guest room and garnered a light red dress with white embroideries of polka dots. It was a dress she meant to wear regularly at school but was unaware of the strict dress code her job had. And she spent a lot of hours at Baltimare picking out the ideal dress for herself.

When she descended down the stairs, she half-expected for her foals to be dressed. Bud's mother and Lazuli offered to dress them while she helped Raven, but knowing her daughter, she predicted to be some complications.

Her mother had apparently bought dresses for her foals and waited until today to tell her daughter about this. She must've planned this since Bud had not considered clothing for her foals yet. As much as Bud want to lash out for yet another ploy, she had to thank her mother for at least having something for her foals to wear.

However, Bud took issue with the dress for Artemis. Did she not know that her son was a colt when she bought this? as cute as the sky-blue dress was, she didn't like the idea of her mother treating her son like some kind of doll. But again, she had nothing to spare for Artemis, so she had to relinquish to her mother's terrible fetish desire. Bud can only hope that her son will find it in himself to forgive his ill-prepared mother for this in the future.

Nebula was another issue altogether, but Bud had expected that. Her daughter had taken her stand to never garner a diaper as every foal should, and today, her resolve had not faltered an inch.

Lazuli had donned Artemis in the sky-blue dress while Hope struggled to slide a diaper onto Nebula. Nebula had displayed her fangs to deter Hope, but Hope sways her reach in and out waiting for the right opportunity to slip through her granddaughter's defenses It was as if the two were having a duel despite how ridiculous it appeared.

Hope was smart to put the matching sky-blue dress on Nebula before moving to the diaper, but the two were now having a stare-down with Nebula glaring at Hope from atop a table. Bud observed the scene from another room for precaution of what may occur.

Lazuli sat uncomfortably on a couch with a dressed Nebula between her hind legs as she observed the battle between grandmother and granddaughter. Unnerved by the strange scene, Lazuli voiced, "You know, I could help you out."

"No Lazuli," Hope kept her sights on Nebula. "This is a matter that a grandmother must deal with. I have trained nearly half of my life to be the perfect caretaker, and it was all to prepare me for moments like this."

"You truly have the gall to think you can tame me," Nebula spat. "I am Nightmare Moon you oafish hag and I refuse to become a toy to your sick games. I don't care if this body is small, I shall smite you here if you do not yield."

Hope did not falter a step by Nebula's threat that sounded more like incessant barking to the grandmother. Instead, Hope extended her hoof close to Nebula again which made her granddaughter widen her mouth to attempt another bite.

There was no way that Hope was going to back away from this any longer. Sure, Nebula has managed to avoid having any accidents so far, but she can't assume that will always be the case. Besides, a small infant filly like herself shouldn't be making an effort to contain her bladder at this young of an age. There's bound to be repercussions if her granddaughter continues this behavior.

Nebula was the first to make a move and she chose to spread her wings out, alerting Hope to maker her swift response. Hope lunged for Nebula, but a single flap from Nebula's wings was all it took to ascend above Hope's reach. Hope quickly picked herself from the table to give chase to her granddaughter, but Nebula was already near the entrance to the next room.

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