28 The Bloom of Lazuli (4/7)

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"I see," Leaf nodded. "So this plush was a very meaningful object to Loving Bud. Why is that?"

"That plush was just something her mother bought her when she was a little foal," Lazuli said. "It was just an object that Bud asserted her desires to. Doubt it means much now since she has the real thing."

"I guess that makes sense. So then, how is it that the two of you became friends when you bore such unjust toxicity for her."

"It wasn't on purpose," Lazuli countered. "I was dealing with emotions I couldn't understand."

"Call it what you will; it doesn't change the fact that you harassed Bud for a poor cause."

"I already know that." Lazuli sighed. "Much more than I like to."

"Care to explain how the two of you made up?"

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