27 The Bud of Summer (4/4)

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Not wanting to get that teacher on my back, I decided to go along with his request and headed for the greenhouse. I think that was the first time I had ever entered that place since I started attending the academy. The place was as big as a normal house you see every day in town. It's also impossible not to notice it since it's far off from the backfield of the school.

The door to the greenhouse was open wide, so I let myself in. Plants and flowers weren't something I was crazy about, but I was impressed by how neatly they were organized in long lines of fields before me. It looked to have taken some real dedication.

I walked by the numerous plants and vegetables through a narrow path that had divided into narrower paths to reach each of the fields from my sides.

I was a bit surprised that there weren't any pony around, but then I remembered again that there was only one member. Just her. "How does one pony manage all of this?" I wondered.

"There you go," I perked my ears at a voice. It came from above as I glanced up and saw that same lime mare hung atop a beam on the ceiling up ahead. I noticed the latter she used to climb up to the beam, but I had gotten anxious fast when I noticed it wobbling a slight.

"The heck you're doing up there," I called to the mare.

"Huh?" Her head rose as she finally took notice of me. That was a bad call on my part. That may have been some really poor coordination because just moments after noticing me, the latter she stood on started to teeter wildly.

A yelp escaped the mare as she inevitably fell off the ladder, but luckily I was around to swoop upon her and make the save. But even after grabbing the mare into my hooves, she still had her face covered with her hooves. You would think a pony would take a peak after noticing you had stopped falling.

"You can open your eyes now," I told her as I descended to the ground. The ladder she was on banged upon the wall of the greenhouse, but it didn't leave a crack on the glass. Must've been something really tough.

"What was that?" The mare removed her eyes and looked to her surroundings to find the source of that loud bang.

I was kind of expecting the mare to thank and fawn over me after she opened her eyes, but that reaction she gave had kind of pricked my pride a bit. So, I was kind of petty in letting go of her and have her flank fall to the ground.

"Ow," the lime mare rubbed on her tush as she got back on her hoof. "Oh," She widened when she finally took notice of me...again. She must've noticed how annoyed I was because she stepped back from me with submissive ears. "Um...Hi."

"Took ya long enough to notice me," I grumbled. "Why were you up there like that? You would've ended up a lot worse off if I wasn't around just now."

"The nest," she pointed at the beam she was on moments ago. I hadn't noticed them at the end of the beam. Looked to of had three eggs in it. "One of the eggs looked like it was going to fall out of the nest. I had to move it back in..."

"Is that right?" When I looked back to the mare from the beam, I finally took notice of her face that was brightened by the sun rays. My eyes were somehow drawn to those pink pairs of hers. So much so that I saw a reflection of how mesmerized I was. It honestly felt like she bewitched me.

"Are you alright?" the lime mare asked me, snapping me out my daze.

"Oh," I blushed at how weird I must've come off looking at her like that. "...yeah. Yeah, I'm good. So, you risked your life for some baby birds?"

A blush came upon the lime mare as well as she started to groom her pink mane with her hooves. "Well, I couldn't just let it fall. Its mother would be so sad. I know I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to mine."

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