37 After Party (1/2)

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The chilly night conquered the warm air that swathed the city of Manehattan. Ponies continued to walk the streets—purchasing goods, riding taxi carriages, and pairing.

On this night, Lazuli gathered her friends and family at her favorite cafe in Manehattan. They filled the restaurant with energy and delight.

Granny Smith and Cloudy Quartz spoke fondly of their farm. To Bud's annoyance, Limestone laid cozily on the elder mare's hooves. The little filly would often swipe Bud's hoof away at each of her attempts to groom her. It was unfair.

Loving Hope rubbed her cheeks upon Tenure Grace's mane, enchanted by its silky texture. Bud could only expect Grace to fare with her privacy to be besmirched for some time.

Bright Mac and Bow Hothoof guffawed of their competition as the bedrock of their friendship. Carrot on the other hoof grumbled of his deserved victory. Chiffon consoled her husband in her grasp and groomed his mane.

This should have been harmony. And yet, Bud could only sigh with a forlorn face.

"Bud," Velvet Sparkle called her from across a table they shared. Beryl and Sabah sat next to Bud, brushing her back with comforting hooves. "I promise it's not as bad as you think it is. You just need to relax."

"How can I?" Bud hissed with a low voice, careful not to draw attention to herself. "I just found out that my best friend likes me. And not in the way a best friend should. What am I supposed to do?"

"You could start by not freaking out," Nebula commented from between Bud's hind legs. "Honestly, just when you begin to show promise, you become an immediate disappointment."

Beryl, Sabah, and Velvet had noticed Bud's silence on their way to the cafe. Curious of what ailed her mind, they arranged a table with her to ask Bud to share her thoughts.

Nebula crossed her hooves and huffed, "To fear something as flimsy as love instead of I truly baffle me. You truly lack common sense."

"That's not fair," Bud retorted, narrowing below the table to her daughter. "I've never been desired before. It's usually me that makes the first step."

"Which have all ended in disastrous failures no doubt. I must again question whether to entrust the safety of Luna to a mare so weak and passive."

"Um," Bud perked at the voice of Sabah. "You know your daughter is not the only one you can confide in, right?" Bud blinked at Sabah's response and then laid Nebula on the table to hide her blushed face.

"Also," Sabah continued. "What do you mean, you have never been desired? What of your thestral lover?"

"I don't want to talk about that right now," Bud groaned. "Can't you see I'm having an existential crisis here?"

"You can be so cruel," Beryl pouted. "Here you have an unworldly story of romance with a creature long forgotten by Equestria and you haul it all to yourself."

"However," Velvet said. "We respect your privacy and would never push you to tell us if you're not comfortable to. Besides, that is not the pressing issue here."

Bud could not thank Velvet enough for taking her side. However, she knew she couldn't expect them to remain passive about her mysterious partner forever. A pony could only have so much patience.

Especially Princess Celestia.

But for Lazuli to have feelings towards her shook Bud's world. She wondered how long Lazuli had felt that way. Had she been plotting to couple with Bud this whole time? If so, how is it that Bud never caught on to this?

Wait, Bud thought. Plotting... Lazuli is going to join me at Ponyville in a few days. It'll be me, her, and my foals...

"Dear Celestia," Bud blurted in a low voice. "Lazuli asked me on a date."

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