32 Gathering Winds (4/4)

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"Bud!" Loving Bud's ears perked to the sound of the lovable voices of her sisters. Both Pear Butter and Chiffon Swirl strode the gathering ponies to reach her blanket and bound Bud into a group hug.

After the first hour at the stadium, it didn't take too long for ponies to gather in the side fields and find their place to sit. Daffy and Lazuli guided to their place with the aid of the stadium workers as the sound of ponies became resounding and obscure like a tempest.

None of that matters much at the moment as Bud took in the warmth of her sisters. She still couldn't believe it had been months since she had last seen them. "This is so much better than letters," Bud voiced.

"We've missed you too," Pear said. "Bucking all those trees in one day was definitely worth it."

"Oh no," Bud pushed her head back and frowned. "I didn't want you to overwork yourself. I'm so sorry."

"Bud," Chiffon placed a hoof on Bud's snout. "We're not going to have any of your constant apologies today. The only thing we're getting from you are filly talks and your cute antics."

"Don't you mean putting up with your antics?" Bud challenged with a smile after moving Chiffon's hoof aside. "Hm?" Chiffon finally noted Artemis, who was crawling up Pear Butter. "You dressed him up as a cheerleader? My, I see you're becoming more and more like your mother."

"It wasn't me," Bud said defensively.

"Hi little Arty," Pear cooed as she pulled away from her sisters to stroke Artemis's cheek. "Did you miss me?" Her question was answered by a whine from the little colt. "Oh, I see. You want to see your big brother, don't ya?"

"Howdy there," Bud turned to see Bright Mac, walking into the blanket her group had set. "Looks like you guys spruced up a mighty big event here."

"Hi Bright," Bud stammered with a blush. "I hope you didn't mind the long trip. I'm really sorry that my mom dragged you and the family into this. I'm sure you had other things planned out."

"What's this hooey you're going on about?" Bright smiled. "Bent over backwards at the farm because I wanted to be here. I don't like to keep away from family for too long. Ain't that right Little Mac?"

The little red colt that was Bright and Pear's son rushed past his father hooves and glanced upon Bud. His ears then perked from the voice of Artemis who immediately rushed after him and tackled him with his entire body. "Hey now," Bright voiced. "I know we miss each other, but no rough housing while we're in...is he wearing a cheerleading outfit?"

"It wasn't me!" Bud immediately pointed out.

"Now Bud," she heard her mother's voice, who was in the middle of knotting Nebula's mane into a ponytail. "If you're not going to make an effort to stop my actions, then might as well count yourself guilty."

"Don't give me that," Bud argued. "You would've found some way to make it happen just like you always do."

"Bud," Hope dramatically voiced as she placed a hoof on her pectoral. "I am shocked and appalled that you would think of me that way."

"No, no," Pear voiced. "I can definitely see that."

"Yeah," Chiffon agreed. "You do have a scary manipulative side to you. Like that one time you tricked me into pranking my mom by using a recipe I wasn't all that familiar with."

"I can't believe you had my daughter spike a cake with ghost pepper," Blueberry appeared with Granny Smith, Gossamer, Carrot. "I went through two gallons of milk just to get that pungent taste out of my mouth."

"Relax Blue," Hope waved a hoof. "I only had her put in 2 grams at best."

"Yall talking about our famous prank wars back in the day?" Smith grinned. "Yes siree, our fight to be the number prankster of Ponyville is something our children's children would be talking about for ages."

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