18 Compromise (1/2)

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“Oh my,” Passion Touch started. “I never thought it was possible that you can make a scary face.” Passion commented on her brooding friend, Loving Bud, as she and her co-workers dined at a cafe. They had assembled at a table with cups of tea and coffee, waiting to be served their ordered sweets by the waitress.
Bud gulped down a mug of coffee as Artemis watched in awe from his stroller. Her daughter on the other hoof seemed distant as she kept quiet beside Artemis. Bud finally planted the mug on the table and said, “I’m fine Passion, it’s not like it’s permanent.”
“Am I hearing a scheme brewing,” Passion grinned. “Now where did this Loving Bud come from?”
“Not to be a downer,” Leaf Clip voiced. “But it’s uncertain to determine the length of this arrangement. Presuming from the practice of a social worker, it would end when this Tenure Grace believes that the issue has been resolved.”
“Are you telling me that I have no choice but to allow that stranger around my foals for as long as she likes?” Bud leered at Leaf Clip.
“W-well,” Leaf nervously started. “That is most likely to be the case in these kinds of matter. The role of a social worker is to aid ponies and families to resolve their domestic issues. You know, this can be a good thing for you if you look at the positives.”
“Such as?” Bud darkly questioned.
“Ooh,” Passion said. “I’m liking this side of Bud.”
“Will you shut up,” Lazuli irritably voiced at her amused friend. “This is serious, so stop making fun of it.”
“But it’s not,” Passion retorted. “You’re too caught up that this mare pricked on your pride. She’ll only be around for as long as she feels that the foals are not under proper care. And given that our Loving has worked most of her life at a daycare center, I honestly don’t see this lasting too long.”
“That stuck-up little priss isn’t going to buy that,” Lazuli countered. “You didn’t see how full that mare was in herself. I was close to knocking her teeth out if she kept putting down Bud.”
“I can see she made a bad first impression towards the two of you,” Leaf Clip said. “But wouldn’t you agree that this is a convenient answer to finding a nanny?”
“The heck makes you say that,” Lazuli asked.
“Let’s be objective about this for a moment,” Leaf Clip began. “Though Passion and I can network you to ponies as potential caretakers, it is unlikely you will be able to hire them within a week or two because of their other commitments. It will require time for them to make space in their availability to care for them and you will have to confirm yourself whether they are competent or not.”
“But my mom offered to look after them while I’m at school,” Bud said.
“Yes, but she can’t stay at the apartment forever. She has her own responsibilities to go back to despite how generous she is of her time. Speaking of which, where is she?”
“That’s what I’ve been wondering,” Passion voiced. “I’ve been dying to meet the mother of my precious friend.”
“Seriously,” Lazuli rubbed her temple. “How the heck are we friends?”
“It’s not polite to feign ignorance in front of your friends. You know full well what you were getting into when you established our friendship.”
 “I didn’t establish nothin,” Lazuli retorted. “You’re the one that was being all merry towards me.”
“Are you claiming I am wrong to greet new fellow co-workers of the academy?”
“That’s not the point!”
“Quiet you two,” Bud suddenly hissed. “You’re scaring Artemis.”
Passion and Lazuli looked at the stroller and saw the little colt hiding under a blanket that he and his sister shared. Nebula had snapped from her thoughts and cuddled next to her brother in an attempt to calm him.
“I’m sorry,” Passion sighed. “I thought making light of the situation with our usual banter would somehow ease the tensions. But perhaps I’ve made the wrong approach.”
“I know you care about me in your own way,” Bud said as she grabbed Artemis from the stroller and wrapped him in her hoof. “But right now, I would really like it that we focus on the problem.”
“Bud,” Passion started. “If you don’t want the mare around, then you’ll have to discuss it with the officials that hired her. But honestly, I think you should take Leaf’s advice and keep her around. At least until you find a nanny of your own.”
“Why are you two okay with her watching my foals? Didn’t I tell you how she behaved?”
“We understand Bud,” Leaf said. “But there’s not that many options you take at the moment. If it makes you feel better, your mother would still be around for the rest of this week. She could supervise this mare and judge whether she is trustworthy or not.”
“I guess so,” Bud admitted. “But I still want this over with as soon as possible. I need to be the one who chooses who will be the babysitter of my foals.”
“…wait,” Lazuli voiced. “Wasn’t Artemis supposed to be with Hope?”
“Huh? What’re you—”
“Loving Rose Bud,” Bud perked at a familiar voice that she dreaded to hear within the vicinity of her friends. Turning her head faster than she would’ve like to, Bud spotted her mother approaching her table.
“I can’t believe you left the apartment when I said I would leave for a quick errand. You’d promised me that I would have Artemis while you spent time with your friends.”
“Oh…,” Bud finally recalled the agreement they made between each other. Bud had made a deal with her mother to allow her to watch over Artemis at the apartment while she talked with her co-workers at the café concerning potential babysitter. Tenure Grace’s sudden appearance must’ve made her forgetful of that promise since Bud was so hasty to leave the apartment to meet her friends.
“How could you leave your mother like that,” Hope asked. “I told you that I would be gone for only a few minutes.”
“You’re totally right mom,” Bud jumped off of her hear seat and rushed to Hope before she could reach the table. “I’m so sorry about that. How about you take Artemis back to the apartment and give him all the love he deserves?”
Bud hoofed her son to Hope, but instead of making her way out of the cafe, Hope took a seat at the table. “That promise has expired. Besides, I spent more time than I like trying to find this place. The clue I had was that it was close to the hospital where you had my grandfoals. Now, sit down and introduce your mother to your friends.”
Bud stood oddly at the reality of her embarrassing predicament and let out a defeated sigh. Guess there’s no avoiding it now. “Fine,” Bud mumbled as she returned to her seat.
Artemis began to suckle upon Hope’s asked as his grandmother asked, “Well, aren’t you going to introduce me?”
“Guys,” Bud hesitantly started. “This is my mother, Loving Hope. She owns a daycare center.”
“My goodness,” Hope sighed. “I would’ve expected a more vigor from my own daughter; but I still love you for at least making the effort.”
“Hello Ms. Hope,” Passion started. “My name is Passion Touch. I work alongside your daughter at the academy. I must say that it’s an honor to finally meet you.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Hope said. “I’ve been so curious if my Lovely Little Bud had made friends, but she was always too shy to share anything about them.”
“Lovely Little Bud you say?” Bud grinned. Bud hid her face into the baby stroller where Nebula looked at her mother with bewilderment.
“Is there a reason you’re invading my personal space,” Nebula asked.
“Isn’t it obvious,” Bud hissed in a low voice so that only her daughter may hear her.  “My mom is going to blab everything about my embarrassing past, and I’ll have to deal with Passion bringing it up for the rest of my career.”
“I fail to see how it involves my personal space being disturbed.”
“I wouldn’t provoke your mother if I was you,” Bud warned her. “If I have to suffer in embarrassment, I’ll have my daughter join with me as well.”
Nebula faltered to the back of the stroller and defensively blocked her ears as she sneered, “I will not be made a fool of for a second time.”
“Your daughter has been an excellent mentor for the students,” Bud heard Leaf’s voice. “I can tell that they have truly taken a liking to her.”
“I’m not surprised,” Hope said. “My daughter has always been great with foals. I knew she always had it in her to be a great teacher. Perhaps even the best.”
“Well she’s certainly well on her way,” Leaf chuckled as he began to drink his cup of tea.
“You speak very highly of my daughter,” Hope curiously said. “You wouldn’t happen to have a crush on my Lovely Bud, would you?”
Those words shocked the senses of everypony sitting on the table as Leaf Clip spat his cup of tea followed by sporadic coughing.
“Why would you ask that,” Bud yelled at her jolly mother as her face bloomed red like a rose.

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