20 Connection Between Light and Dark (1/4)

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The baleful gaze of the unknown black creature before Tenure Grace cast her in utter paralysis. It aroused confusion and terror within Grace that flowed wildly through her heart and body. Two feelings she has become acquainted with all of her life, but this was a boundary she wished not to traverse. For nothing she had ever seen in her life has compared to the menacing presence this creature displayed.

Grace could only watch in horror of the creature's body that was filled with facets of enigmas that defied reality. Its steadily volatile skin that shifted about like kindling flames trickled droplets of its black essence to the ground that dissipated dust. Its constant crackling and snarls pervaded the room, but Grace could not pinpoint the origin. Despite having a mouth that was just as volatile, the sounds appeared more likely to permeate throughout its own body. She would have assumed it to be an extreme illusion to her eyes if not for those cerulean eyes that felt too real and threatening to her very own existence.

Grace had finally snapped from her shock when the creature's body suddenly deformed and swarmed after. She was quick to respond by diving out of its path as the black blob splattered where she previously stood.

Her fast reaction banged her head upon a crib that was set at the corner of the room, but she cared little for the pain. Grace quickly picked herself up and placed the crib between her and the mysterious black creature.

She widened at the black blob that reformed itself back to its tall pony form. Its cerulean eyes met Grace with a slight lid. Do you think that feeble construction will defend you from my wrath? You insult my strength for believing such foolishness.

Grace witnessed the creature crouch as an abnormal ounce of its essence began to spill from its sides. She can hear its crackling magnifying as its essence attempted to form what appeared like wings. However, despite its genuine strain, the structure fell to the ground dissolved to dust.

Why isn't this working? The dark creature complained. Its eyes trailed back to the fearful mare that attempted to make itself smaller behind the crib. No matter, I don't need wings to exact your due punishment.

The dark creature began its tread toward its prey, but at its first step, one of its hind hooves suddenly dissipated. The creature gritted its volatile black fangs as it struggled to balance its body from falling. Curse this body! How am I to exact my vengeance if it won't listen to me?

Grace wondered if she should take advantage of this creature's condition. It appears to have problems holding itself together, so eluding it may be possible. However, the creature stood before the only exit in the room and a small range is all the creature needs to get a hold of her. Maybe her best option is to do nothing and wait for it to with away. At this rate, the problem is most likely to resolve itself.

With renewed comfort of her future, Grace was now able to observe the creature with a somewhat clearer mind. Those cerulean eyes. Why does feel familiar? They appear similar to another filly she-

"Nebula," Grace guessed in awe. She couldn't believe the claim she was making, but idea would stand substantial given what Nebula did earlier. "Nebula," Grace said again. "Is that you?"

Do not speak the name given by guardian! The creature trudged its way to Grace with it remaining body parts. However, the creature did not make it far when the door suddenly burst open and a mare suddenly pounced upon the black creature.

Grace immediately recognized the mare as Hope as the grandmother planted the creature to the ground. Hope briefly gazes in awe of the mysterious creature but stomped down the volatile joints of the creatures when it tried to swarm upon her.

"Who and what are you," Hope questioned the creature with a deathly glare that Grace would have never expect from this jolly mare. She definitely felt more threatening than the creature at this point.

"Hope," Grace perked her head over the crib. "I think Nebula is in that thing."

"It ate my granddaughter!" Hope shouted and then venomously glared at the creature. The creature gazed appalled at the anger looming from this old mare. "You will give back my granddaughter this instant!"

Remove yourself from me you hag! You can't stop me from exacting my- Its words were ignored as Hope appalled the creature by shoving her forehoof into the mouth of the dark creature. Grace watched in utter disturbance as Hope shoved her entire hoof into the creature's mouth while using her other hoof keeping the creature's mouth propped open.

"Where are you Nebula?" Hope asked as she shifted her hoof around the insides of the dissipating creature. "There!" Hope shouted when felt a soft figure within the creature that bit on her hoof. Hope then shoved her other hoof inside the creature's move and grasped upon the soft figure. With a strong heave, she plunged the soft figure out of the creature and fell back to the door. When she looked at what she has held in her hooves, she was relieved to learn that she had scooped out her granddaughter, Nebula.

Now without Nebula within the dark creature, its entire form dissolved and disappeared to dust. Grace could not close her mouth at the horrifying yet incredible discovery she had just witnessed. She could not believe that Thestrals were capable of such strange feats.

"I'm so happy you okay," Hope said as she caressed Nebula within her coat. "Don't ever scare me like that again okay?"

"..." Nebula could not make any words. All she could manage was gazing at her grandmother in utter shock, still processing of what just happened. Did she just lose? Did she just lose to a commoner earth pony?

"Oh no," Hope gasped. "I'm so sorry you had to experience that Nebula. I promise, it's all okay now. I got you." Hope began to kiss on Nebula' forehead. The normal reaction from Nebula is immediately retaliate against her grandmother. But didn't happened. Instead, a tear fell upon Nebula's eyes. It gradually built up and then a hiccup escaped from the filly. and then her emotions finally let out: she began to cry.

It was a sound that was unfounded between the two of them. Hope has never seen her granddaughter, who has shown to be so prideful and violent, bawl in such sorrow. Nebula had lived centuries of torment after failing Luna, but never has she broken down so pathetically as this.

All of the frustration she has worked to hold in, all of her anxiety, all of her anger, she unleashed in a sobbing frenzy. Her grandmother worked to calm her tearful granddaughter hoping that her gentle touch and caring voice would soothe her. But it only came to reconfirm what Nebula was still coming to grips with.

She's weak. She's fragile. She's helpless. Luna could no longer depend on her for protection. Nebula is nothing more than a small baby that can only cry and pointlessly flail her anger without success.

And so acted as the baby she now was. How her creators have now designed to become; be it out of punishment or necessity. Nebula bawled her despair as loudly as she could before the two mares.

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