26 Night Shift with Lazuli (4/5)

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On the second floor of the nightclub, Lazuli reluctantly followed her boss to a lounge that had a perfect view of the entire club. Seated on this lounge, were two stallions and strange mare with a lion-like mane.

"Who's she?" Lazuli asked.

"She is what you call a kirin," a gold-coated stallion answered. "A rare breed in a few numbers. So then, you must be Summer Lazuli."

"Yeah," Lazuli plainly said. "Who's asking?"

Dove prodded Lazuli's shoulder and gave her a furious look. "There's no need for that," the gold stallion said. "I can understand how inconvenient this looks to her."

"You are a very understanding stallion, Mr. Gold," Dove said.

"If it is alright, I would like to speak with her, alone." Dove nodded his head at the stallion and left Lazuli with the three guests. "Please," Gold tapped on the lounge. "Take a seat."

Lazuli sighed and adhered to the stallion. She sat next to the kirin that gave a brief blank glance at her. She looks so bored.

"Back to our conversation," Gold continued. "My name is Gold Jaeger. If my name has not reached you, I am the owner of a bountiful amount of museums across Equestria. My most relevant being at Baltimare."

"Oh yeah," Lazuli now realized. "I have heard about you. You're like a big deal at Baltimare. Though, I'm not that interested in old-timey things."

"Really? That's quite unfortunate. However, I understand that ponies vary in their interest so I am not surprised." His eyes dawned upon the colt that met his eyes. He couldn't help but grin at the hilarity of his good luck to meet the pony from a unique bloodline.

"So is there a reason why you called me up here?" Lazuli asked.

"Oh yes, that. Well, Ms. Lazuli, I was quite enamored by your display of power upon the large stallions that had chosen to misbehave. I felt compelled to wonder if you were actually a pony."

"Naw, I just work out a lot. Makes the job easier."

"I'm sure it does. If you ever happen to grow tired of this place, I would not mind hiring a strong mare such as yourself to guard my treasures."

"Thanks, I'll think about it when that happens."

Gold takes another glance at the colt, but then his eyes blinked furiously at the sudden light that beamed at him. He's been dealing with that a lot ever since he touched that branch this morning. His researchers were taking so long to provide another report to him that he felt compelled to take a swing of accessing the branch's power himself. And somehow, it did react to him, but not that way he had hoped.

When his eyes opened, he widened them before the colt. What was this concentration of light that permeated from the colt's eyes? And why does the light make up a crescent moon?

The colt groaned and looked to Lazuli. "What's wrong?" Lazuli asked.

"Excuse me, Ms. Lazuli," Gold started. "If it is alright with you, might I hold that colt for just a moment?"

"No can do," Lazuli declined. "Arty isn't leaving my side for anything while I'm here."

The stallion beside Gold was about to rise from his seat, but Gold placed a hoof on his shoulder. "That is understandable. My apologies, Ms. Lazuli. You are free to go whenever you like."

Lazuli was a bit surprised by the sudden end of their conversation but shrugged and made her way back to the lower floors. When she was no longer within their sight, the stallion voiced, "Do you want to leave like this?"

"And make a scene in front of these ponies?" Gold leered at the stallion. "When we claim them, I don't want a single hoofprint of evidence that leads back to me, got it?"

"Yes, sir."

"I will admit that I want that colt more than ever now. I wonder what sort of secrets he holds. Bah, now I am plagued with so much curiosity. We're leaving."

The three rose from their seats and as the kirin passed by Gold, he whispered to her ear, "When we return, I want you washed and dressed nicely on my bed."

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