27 The Bud of Summer (1/4)

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"Out of the bed, now!" A loud voice echoed into my ears as I jumped out of my bed and hit my head to the ceiling. My eyes widened as I aimlessly looked at my surroundings that were my room. My sights quickly dawned upon a blue stallion with the speaker of all things in his hoof.

"Dad," I yelped as I noticed the stern eyes on his face. There aren't many ponies that can give me a scare like Bud's mother, but I'd say my father was the closest thing to it back then. He is a beloved Wonderbolt that is idolized by many pegasi for his unmatched records after all. You can imagine how much pressure that puts on me, the daughter of Wind Rider.

I quickly met my father on the floor and gave him a salute. "Sir."

"Lazuli," Wind Rider sighed and rubbed his temple. "We've already started this a week ago. When are you going to learn to wake up early?"

"I'm sorry sir," I held my salute and fought off a frown from showing on my face. "I worked extra hard at practice yesterday for today's match. The ace from Cloudsdale is said to have a special technique and I wanted to prepare for it."

"I like that proactiveness," Wind Rider grinned. "Adapting to the challenges before you is a definite quality that should be praised. You most likely got those brains from your mother."

"Really? Thanks, dad.," I blushed at my father's comment. I was always so desperate to get good words out of that stallion. To me, his approval was all that mattered. After my mom...went away, he was the only thing I had to family. My mother never got to know her birth family and my dad never liked to speak about his own. Heck, I still don't know if I have any live relatives from his side. I'm probably just anxious about what I might find.

"But don't think that'll free you from your morning exercises," Wind Rider said. "I'm going to make you the best Wonderbolt that Equestria has ever seen."

"Yes, sir!" I quickly said.

"Go and wash up, we're doing weight training this morning."

Years ago, I had confessed to my dad that wanted to fly him after witnessing his performances as a Wonderbolt. That stallion was more than happy to teach me everything he knew, so he placed under a light exercise regimen. But later, his exercises became more intense as he tried to have me mimic all the maneuvers he had learned through his career. I mean, he planned to make me his successor after all.

I won't go on about the Knitty gritty of the stuff he had me do. I'm pretty sure that doesn't interest you. But I at least like you to know that I didn't hate it back then. After mom, those were the only times when we hung out. That fixation of his to elevate me beyond my boundaries seemed to be the only thing relevant about our bond, but it was something I took solace since it meant I could hog all of his attention. You know, if you can count him yelling at me the whole morning like that.

My father would always end our training an hour before the start of my school. Enough time to get a quick wash and make a swift flight to school. He was very punctual about time and I know he tried his hardest to push that habit onto me.

I met my dad at the front of our house once I was prepared for school. He noted my presence but didn't respond as he straightened his aviator jacket. Seeing him wearing that made me anxious since there are specific occasions when he has it on. "What's with the jack?" I asked him.

"Got a letter straight from the captain," Wind Rider answered, but his eyes were still fixed upon his jacket. "I'm needed at the base for a meeting."

"But you'll make it back for my match, right?"

"Probably not," Wind Rider shook his head. "Sounds pretty serious."

"But that's not fair!" I voiced agitation. "Can't you just skip it?"

"That's not how a Wonderbolt roll," Wind Rider gave me a stern face. "Have you not been listening to anything I've been teaching you?"

"But I just want you there to watch me..." I averted my eyes from him. I had always got queasy when he seemed the least bit disappointed in me.

"Hey, look at me Lazuli." I heard my father's approach and then raised my eyes to his with a push of his hoof upon my chin. "You can't let inconveniences like this get into your head. You have to keep your mind and body leveled and overcome the challenges that come your way. You do want to be a Wonderbolt, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"And not just any Wonderbolt," he continued. "You want to be one of the very best like me, right?"

"No sir," I said. I knew what he said was a trick question. He expected much more than just an equal to take his place. "I want to be number 1."

That answer put a smile on my dad's face. "That's right. So, what are you going to do today to make sure that happens?"

"I'm going to win."

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