33 Blossoming Passion (1/4)

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"Just remember to take calm breaths while you're up there, okay?" Bud advised Lazuli behind the wall of a platform. It was momentarily placed at the end of the field of the stadium where Lazuli would proceed in her opening ceremony for today's event.

A growing echo of voices assembled on the other side as Lazuli tapped her hoof on the short stairway that would welcome her to the waiting audience. "And if you happen to get nervous, I'll be there with our friends and family in the crowd to give you support.."

"Don't get too passionate," Lazuli chuckled. "You guys might end up taking the whole show away from me."

"I promise I won't let them," Bud said, ignoring her friend's lofty insinuation about herself. "And, I know that I'm probably worrying over nothing. It's just that this event is very important to the students. And because of that, I know it means a lot more to you."

"Come on Bud, we haven't started and you're already making things all gushy," Lazuli pat a hoof on Bud's head, earning a cute pout from her friend as she tried to prod it off. "Don't worry," Lazuli shifted to an assuring voice "I promised today would be a blast, so I'm going to make it so."

After moving her hoof away from her dear friend, Lazuli turned to the stairs and began her step to the stage. In mere moments the game would finally begin and all her work would be put to the test. The thought of it hastened her breathing, something she would have to change Grace for after constantly voicing her constant concerns.

Lazuli was in the midst of stopping herself until she heard the assuring voice of her dear friend, "Good luck." Those two simple words instantly cleansed her mind and sparked a smile out of her. Right, how could I screw up with her around?

Lazuli was welcomed by the attentive eyes of hundreds of ponies when she made her entrance upon the stage. Lazuli stepped before a mic stand that stood idly in the middle of the stage and grabbed hold of it.

"I hope you guys haven't got too comfortable on your butts," Lazuli's voice echoed across the stadium. "Because we're going to be doing a lot together in the next few moments."

Lazuli then pulled the mic out of the stand and carried upon the edge of the stage as she continued, "A lot of the students have been hoping for this day after all the hard studies they had undergone to prepare for the benchmark test weeks ago. And as we're all proud to find, they've all done admirably."

The ponies applauded with claps and cheers before Lazuli flapped a hoof to signal them to die down. She then continued on, "Now, before we let our students off for the summer to give them their well-deserved break, I think it's only fair that the school gives them one last reward before we end this semester."

Lazuli's eye had trailed upon where Bud was, sitting with their friends and family that had all gathered to give their support. It is a little surreal to her that she found so many to call her family, after all the hurdles she's been through.

Hurdles that are constantly reminded of her father. And there he stood from the bleachers, gazing upon her with interpretive eyes. A sigh escaped Lazuli, earning befuddlement from a large fraction of the ponies.

"You know," Lazuli started. "School is a nice place where many ponies come together and build new bonds that I hope to last for a long time. But sometimes there are those times where certain ponies haven't gotten the chance to find those good friends for them and never realize what they're missing out on. That's why today, I'm gonna fix that."

A small echo of voices reverberated through the crowd as Lazuli continued, "Today just won't be any normal field day that you've been used to. We're going to be something very special that involves all ponies in this field. What we'll be doing today will be the first ever School Olympics of Manehattan."

Lazuli did not waste time to continue as ponies mumbled their voices. "All students, family members, and staff will come together in splits of four teams to compete in a series of activities I have planned. These games will require teamwork and moral support to overcome the competition."

Again, the ponies went on with their scattered voices, parents displaying their skepticism. "Come on you guys," Lazuli voiced. "I would think this would be a perfect chance for you parents to show off to your kids. And," Lazuli emphasized. "Did I mention there's a special prize that'll be awarded at the end?"

The mention of a prize riled up the young students to voice their interest. Like a domino effect, the students beseeched to their parents to join them, inevitably turning their tune to play along. Just exactly how Lazuli imagined would happen.

A proud smile fell upon Lazuli as she noticed Bud clapping her hooves at the growing interest of the crowd. With her friend this excited, there was no way in Tartarus that Lazuli won't make today memorable for both of them.

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