30: Mother of Five (2/6)

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"Come now you guys," Hope voiced. "You have to really get into the persona. It's easy, just bow like you're presenting yourself before your master."

"I can't do this!" Lazuli voiced with a flush of red over her face. "This is too much."

"I fear I may have underestimated the gravity of your warning," Grace said as she shamefully dawned upon the garment upon her.

Never had Grace regretted something so fast as when Hope escorted the group into a boutique within the city. At first, Grace merely chalked it down to Hope wanting to buy new dresses for the foals. She had heard from Bud that the mare purchased frilly dresses for the two of them for a wedding.

But when the seamstress of the shop presented numerous costumes that appeared too big for the foals, Grace grew weary of what was to become of her. And that fear was immediately confirmed as the Hope and the seamstress guided the group to the stage.

Grace, along with her friends and the foals, uncomfortably stood before Hope and the seamstress. Lazuli couldn't even grasp the courage to look up from the floor to meet their eyes. Who was she kidding, neither could Grace contain her composure in this maid outfit? Of all the things this mother would ask for, why would she ask grown mares to doll themselves like this?

"I bet you wished you took my side now, eh?" Lazuli grumbled.

"Relax you two," Bud said. "It's not as bad as you think. Try to look at the positive here."

"You mean how I'm dressed for my part now," Grace sarcastically said. "I never figured I would ever see myself in this getup."

"You should be more like Artemis," Bud pointed to her son, who dozed his sights around the boutique. With the maid dress and headdress, her son looked like an adoring mini maid. A description that Nebula did not appreciate as she leered at her outfit.

"How far will you mud ponies go to demean us?" Nebula growled. "Why would you dare to dress us in the attire of a servant?"

"My," the seamstress voiced. "That little filly appears upset. And yet, she looks so much more adorable."

"I know, right?" Hope agreed.

"Do not make light of my fury!" Nebula roared, well, she tried but instead voiced a high-pitched groan.

"Don't think too hard about them," Bud said as she pulled her daughter to her side. "Just think of it as trying out a bunch of new clothes. You might find something you like."

"You honestly expect me to play along to that mare's whims and allow her to make a mockery of us?"

"You agreed to this too," Bud reminded her.

"I only did so out of respect for the holiday," Nebula said. "But now I have come to regret this choice."

"That's it," Nebula heard her grandmother. "Just like that." Looking at Hope, Nebula saw her take an elegant looking bow. It felt surreal that a mare with such moxie could look so graceful. However, that compliment was rescinded when she noticed Artemis mimicking his grandmother.

"Luna," Nebula voiced. "You are a pony of high caliber. Do not lower yourself like this."

"Let them bond, Nebula," Bud said.

After Hope took numerous embarrassing shots of them, their trial continued with them being garnered in punkish outfits that made them look like soft ruffians.

"Never thought I would ever see myself in this either," Grace remarked.

"It brings out the rebellious soul," Hope commented. "Come on now, show me that feistiness you had earlier.

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