23 The Story of Thestrals (6/6)

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Romulus had his thestrals gather the afflicted thestrals around Luna. Remus appeared anxious to fall asleep, but my student soothed him with kind words and affection. It's not often that I get to see this side of Luna. And neither was it often that I would stand on the sideline and act as an observer to a crisis.

Before the afflicted thestrals fell to slumber, Luna spoke to them for their consent of control. My student's abilities can only go so far in the dreamscape with the dreamer unconscious resisting her inserted changes.

Whatever battle Luna had the dreamscape must have been grand and arduous as she desired; however, only she and the afflicted would be the only witness. I on the other hoof stood by with Romulus and the other thestrals, anxiously hoping for the success for my sis... my student.





"Princess Celestia," Romulus ended the unnerving silence.

"We are not within the eyes of my ponies," I responded. "Thou may call me Celestia."

"Oh...if thou wish. Celestia, what were thine intentions for coming here? I cannot think it was to aid us."

"Then thou hast yet to comprehend my generosity. However, my true intentions were to banish the anxieties of my ponies. They hath told me in many of a creature that lurks in near most of their consciousness. I presume that it was the thestrals, given your adept skills in stealth."

"Are thou upset with us?"

"I wish to know why thou stalk my ponies. Thou must understand how uncomfortable it is to be watched."

"I am sorry. We were afraid to be rejected by ponies. I decided that we keep ourselves hidden."

"And so you stalked us?"

"We thestrals are exceptionals within the night. In one moon, we can collect a bountiful of meat and greens to sustain ourselves. However, since the affliction of the Tantabus, our hunt has been sloppy and left us empty of catch. We thestrals fear sleep, for it welcomes the Tantabus to steal our desire to live on. As the leader of thestrals, I must sleep. I need the energy to lead them. But other thestrals do not share in my bravery."

"And so you stole from my ponies?"

"Ponies are not as aware of their surroundings as prey. They held enough greens to sustain my flock. We thestrals hold pride in our hunting skills, but within a crisis like this, we hath no choice but to delve into shameful acts. I am sorry to harass your ponies, but we do not wish to die of hunger, Celestia."

"Romulus," I sighed. "I understand thou are under stressful times. But--"

My words halted at the sudden movement of my student. Her eyes were still shut, but her body flailed about as if she was under intense pain.

I immediately went to my student and held her shifting body. "Luna," I called her, but she wouldn't respond. My eyes then laid horrified upon her as I witnessed cuts forming from her pectoral. Her blood dispensed and soaked her and my coat. My patience was now empty as I readied a shock spell to force her out from her slumber. However, before I could finish casting her spell, her eyes suddenly opened.

Luna's eyes widened and swallowed a deep breath as she gazed at her surroundings. Her eyes met mine and then she briefly spoke, "Teacher." Her body flinched when she finally registered the pain from her pectoral. She touched it with a hoof and then marveled at the blood-soaked on her hoof. "To think dreams can pass on to reality to such a degree."

"We need to tend to your wound Luna," I voiced. "Can thou stand?"

"I will live teacher," Luna assured me as she stood on her hooves. "I am only upset that there is not a lake to wash the blood off from me."

"And of the Tantabus," Romulus approached us along with the other young thestrals that circled us.

"It...The Tantabus shall never harm the thestrals again."

"Thou hath rid of the Tantabus," Romulus widened at us. "It is gone?"

"What happened in the dreamscape Luna?" I asked her.

"It is as I said," Luna responded. "The creature proved a formidable opponent, but I was able to vanquish it from the realm. The thestrals are free."

A brief joy washed over Romulus and the thestrals within the darkness, but no uproar as Luna had hope followed. While befuddled by their reaction, the no longer afflicted thestrals awakened.

"Is something the matter," Luna asked. "I hath slain the monster. Thou are free."

"Yes," Romulus mumbled. "We are free. We and our elders had hoped for this to come true."

"Then dost thou appear apprehensive?"

"I was born long after my flock began our journey to get rid of the Tantabus. Decades of travel hath steered us far from our home forest. And I do not know where to begin to find it. I do not know what it would look like if I did. We do not know where our home lies?"

"Then why not live with us?" Luna suddenly asked as I gaped at her. "Thou can find a home in Everfree."

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