30: Mother of Five (4/6)

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Once the group had their fill of cotton candy, Lazuli had requested that they make a stop at a particular place in Baltimare. Nebula voiced angrily to ignore the request of Lazuli, who stole a bite of her cotton candy. However, Nebula ended her tantrum when she noted the field of tombstones they walked through.

They gathered behind Lazuli before a tombstone that had a set of blue stones lined around it. Lazuli picked the stones and set them aside and replaced them with a new set of stones she picked out from a satchel she held. Bud and the others quietly observed Lazuli as she placed the stones around the tombstone until Grace finally felt compelled to ask.

"May I ask what is the purpose of the stones?" Grace asked.

"They're called lapis lazuli," Lazuli answered without turning back to meet Grace's gaze. "My mom used to collect them a lot back in her hometown in Fillydelphia. When I was born, she would always bring me there so we can carry them back to the house. We'd hog a whole bunch to fit a whole treasure chest and used them to decorate all sorts of things. Mostly necklaces and beads to be honest."

"That's a unique hobby," Grace commented.

"No, it's not," Lazuli grinned. "Ponies mine for gems all the time. But these stones meant a lot to us. My mom believed in all the superstitions about them. Like how they are supposed to help with relationships and make ponies more honest about themselves. I bet she figured it would hold much more meaning in our name. That's probably why she named me Lazuli in the first place."

"Summer Lapis..." Grace voiced. "What kind of mare was she?"

"Believe it or not, she was actually kind of an egghead. She worked as a journalist in this city and she was a really good one because she caught the eyes of the press at Canterlot. She had the chance to work under the most famous press company in Equestria, but she met dad, fell in love, and then had me. Pretty sure I wasn't part of her plan, but because of that, she tossed her dream away and chose to stay here in Baltimare to watch over me. My dad continued on to be the famed wonderbolt that everpony idolizes while my mom settled for being a local journalist."

"Oh Lazuli," Hope sighed. "You know why she did what she did? You shouldn't feel bad about her decision."

"I know that. She practically laughed at me when I tried to apologize to her one day for ruining her dream. Can you believe the nerve of her when I tried to let out my heart and soul when I did that," Lazuli chuckled. "She told me that nothing in the world would make her regret having me because I became a dream of hers when she held me for the first time. Pretty cliché

, right?"

"She might have not gotten what she thought she wanted," Hope said. "But she did get what she needed. You were necessary for her life, and she recognized that. And sometimes, that's just enough for a pony."

"You know," Lazuli said. "I think you and my mom could've been great friends if y'all had the chance. You two would have really got along."

"Your mother sounds right up my alley," Hope said. "We probably would have become kindred sisters. I could see us now sipping some cider on my porch going on for hours about our daughters. Heaven knows I could've used some pointers in putting a reign on you."

"That sure would have saved me from a lot of trauma," Lazuli remarked.

"Don't say it like that," Hope said. "It came from the kindness of my heart."

"I hate to think what the opposite would be then."

"You've two have lost me," Grace voiced. "What are you talking about?"

"When Lazuli and I became friends," Bud voiced. "I brought her to the daycare center because she was curious about what I did outside of school. Lazuli got strung along with the games of the foals there and managed to tucker them out with all games she invented for them. Mom was so impressed by her that she hired her as a volunteer."

"A volunteer? I guess that's where Lazuli got the idea of becoming a coach then, correct?"

"Yeah," Lazuli confirmed. "I got to figure out my life goals and dreams and in exchange, I had to unpaid labor for Hope."

"I don't think I like that tone," Hope harrumphed. "I didn't see you complaining while you got to get all nice and close with my daughter."

"Don't say it like that," Lazuli voiced loudly with a blush. "You're trying to make things weird?"

"Hey guys," Bud pointed toward the dusk sky. "It's starting to get pretty dark out. I think it's about time we headed back."

"You're quite right," Hope said. "I think my pictures have gotten developed at the photo center. We can head back after I've picked them up. I don't want to lose time framing them."

"Please don't joke about that," Grace said. "I can't handle the humility of a random pony seeing me in such a humiliating position."

"Don't be so modest," Hope chuckled. "You looked beautiful."

As the group made their way out of the graveyard, Lazuli remained at the tombstone a bit longer to place her head upon the tombstone. The sun rays made it warm, making Lazuli hopeful to find specific warmth. At least a semblance of the same one she tugged herself town many years ago. "Thanks for everything, mom."

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