34 The Right Moment (2/3)

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Lazuli walked down the empty halls of the stadium. She could still hear the echo of excited ponies from behind, beckoning her to escape further into the silent halls.

She needed to think. She needed an answer. She needed something to assure her; to clear this anxiety building in her.

As she followed the white marble tiles of the hall, she could see a small reflection of herself from its surface. Her melancholy gaze put a rift to the passion she sported moments ago.

She didn't think it would happen. After months of his inaction, she figured he would never have the guts. Leaf would be no different from herself. Yet somehow, he found the courage.

Lazuli would often envision Bud at her side within her reflections. Her pure smile was always the remedy to her mind—an enchanting image that made her feel safe and secure. So ironic since she wants to give that to Bud herself.

How much would that change if she goes through with this? Their history isn't as long as she would like, but Lazuli knew that they were the best of friends. Was she content with changing that? Is she okay with asking for more? Is Bud okay with more?

An exasperated sigh escaped Lazuli and then leaned her head to the wall. Further down the hall, she could see a double door that suddenly opened. Emerging from it came Passion Touch.

"Passion?" Lazuli voiced. She removed her head from the wall and approached the mare.

Passion then noted Lazuli's presence and snapped her teeth. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be managing a competition?"

Lazuli narrowed her eyes at the bashing mare. "And what about you?" Lazuli asked accusingly. "You know you shouldn't be here. And don't give the excuse about going to the filly's room because I've already walked past it."

"Well aren't you perceptive one," Passion rolled her eyes. "Should I give you a medal for your oh so divine assessment?"

"Ugh," Lazuli grunted. "There's never any point in talking to you. You're always so snooty and gaudy. It's sickening."

"Those words do not fit me in the slightest," Passion argued. "I'm...I..." Passion let out a sigh. "I can't get distracted with this. I came here to do something I should've done a long time ago."

"A long time ago?" Lazuli questioned. "Wait, you don't seriously mean you're about to do it? What did Leaf even say to you?"

"Must you be so nosy of others' business?" Passion remarked. Her hoof splayed across her pectoral.

"That's laughable coming from you," Lazuli countered. "The mare that always wants all the deets of Bud's stallion hunting."

"Look Lazuli," Passion started as she slammed her hoof to the floor. "I'm not in the mood for this right now. I just need to find him. Somewhere in this building, Leaf has hidden himself."

"Why would he be hiding from you?" She wondered. "I thought he already confessed to you?"

Passion's eyes widened. "And what gave you the idea that he did that?"

"I don't know," Lazuli shrugged. "Intuition, I guess. Wait, are you telling me he didn't? That sneaky jerk! He tried to weasel himself out of our deal!"

"So that was the reason he said all those things," Passion concluded. "I knew in the back of my mind that he didn't have the guts to act. Always caught up in his work and his incessant need to be a saint to others."

"So, what are you going to do?" Lazuli's body shook with anticipation. Or maybe it was anxiety. She felt a clash of contradictions within herself that didn't know what to side with.

"It doesn't concern you," Passion stated. "What I plan to do only involves me and Leaf."

"C'mon," Lazuli persisted. "You're always the one to proudly say things out loud. When do you ever keep things to yourself?"

"...are you asking this for me or yourself?" Passion's piercing gaze halted Lazuli. Passion closed her eyes and let out another sigh before looking at the troubled mare. "Perhaps you should stop making excuses for yourself and finally take matters into your own hoof for a change."

"And who are you to tell me that?" Lazuli unintentionally stuttered in her words. Something she's never done in a conversation with Passion. Defiance was the only thing she wanted this prissy mare to see in her. To know that she isn't a mare that she should toy with.

"Because I'm going to say it," Passion proclaimed. "I'm going to take my chance."

Her declaration sent chills into Lazuli's bones. She didn't know whether to be happy or intimidated by this mare before her. Her body seethed with contractions. Aimless, neutral, lost.

"You serious?" was all Lazuli could manage to ask.

"My," Passion started with a grin. "It's rare to see at a loss for words. You're so much more bearable this way."

"Enough with the snarks!" Lazuli voiced. "You can't seriously mean you're going to go through with this? I mean, aren't you scared of what his answer may be?"

"Of course, I'm afraid," Passion confessed. "I've felt this way for him for a long time. I've put so much thought, so much investment in this feeling that I'm terrified of it being swatted away."

"Then why?"

"Lazuli, though I hate to admit this, and I mean this in the highest sense of the word, we do share a similarity. We both have a pony that we care deeply about. One that we could fondly think of a future with. But tell me, who is it that will bring that future for us?"

The question weighed in the air for a moment before Passion continued. "We both know the answer. Though we wished for our crush to make the first move, it's quite obvious we don't have that luxury."

"So, it falls to us in the end..." Lazuli surmised. It was an answer that she always knew to be the case, but something again and again she preferred not to think about.

"I can't wait forever for him to act," Passion said. "I can't wait for that change to come. Sometimes it falls to ourselves to make it so."

"You think it's that easy?" Lazuli argued. "You think I didn't know that already. Celestia knows I wanted to just let it out already. But I want to be considerate of her own feelings. I wasn't always the best pony to her."

"Then are you content with this mysterious thestral claiming her?" Passion asked her the question. The question that erupted the boiling rage within Lazuli.

"Don't you ever mention that deadbeat!" Lazuli confronted Passion with a leer. "No creature that can be there for their foals is worthy of her!"

"And the longer you wait," Passion said. "Some creature will. We both know that our Bud has grown a lot over these last few months. Who's to say it will earn the fancy of a good stallion?"

"I..." Lazuli lacked a retort. How could she deny it? Her months into motherhood has truly blossomed Bud into an inspiring mare. Full of wisdom and confidence, the beauty that only Lazuli saw was now open for every creature to see.

"I can't tell you how to run your life," Passion said. "But I know what I want to do with mine. So, I won't make any more excuses." With her last few words, Passion turned away and walked further into curved halls.

Again, Lazuli was alone. With her thoughts and feelings. Contemplating, debating, but never coming to a conclusion. Her mind rattled with contradictions. "No more excuses," Lazuli mumbled.

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