34 The Right Moment (3/3)

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Lazuli slowed her steps when she caught Bud in her vision. There was, gingerly patting the back of her son with her daughter spouting groans at her side.

The colt burped over his mother's shoulder and parted his mouth to taste the air with his tongue. Lazuli shook her head at the colt's carefree spirit. "Always so silly," Lazuli commented with a smile.

But then it perished when she focused her gaze upon Bud again. Many times had she seen that kind joy upon Bud's face and always would it spark purpose for her. But now, she felt cold.

"What do I do?" Lazuli contemplated to herself. "Do I go up and tell her or do I set the moment? How do I even do that?" Lazuli craned her head in frustration. .

"Your head is gonna spin if ya keep that up," Lazuli heard a voice. It was Pear Butter in her lonesome, strolling before Lazuli.

"Oh..." Lazuli lowered her hooves back to the ground. Her face did little to hide her bewilderment. "Hey..."

"You know," Pear started. "I don't think Bud has properly introduced us to each other. The name's Pear Butter." Pear extended a hoof towards Lazuli to shake.

Lazuli felt pressured to oblige, and she easily crumbled. "Summer Lazuli," she introduced herself.

Pear held her hoof on Lazuli's longer than Lazuli would have expected. Her body tensed in anticipation of the protective sister setting her warnings.

"The worst thing you can do for yourself is to overthink things," Pear said. Lazuli's expectation subverted, she gaped at the friendly mare before her. "Take some deep breaths and just go over to talk to her. Take it all at your own pace."

"What?" The sudden advice left Lazuli dumbfounded.

Pear turned her sights to a platform that had red curtains blocking the view behind. "I think it's about to start soon," Pear said. "We should talk later, okay?" Before Lazuli could respond, Pear had already run off back to her blanket to join her family.


Lazuli took a breath and made her first step. Then her second and third. The rest felt automatic like she was standing on an escalator. There was no turning back now.

"You're back," Bud announced Lazuli's presence when she stepped upon her blanket. "I was wondering where you went off to."

"You!" Nebula points at Lazuli with an intense gaze. Nothing she hasn't seen from the vampiric filly before. "You also share blame for Luna's gluttonous behavior. How foolish of you to allow this plebe to be watched by that succubus. Where are your priorities for your queen!?"

"Neb is really throwing a tantrum there, isn't she," Lazuli said and took her seat before Bud. Grace and Hope were nowhere to be seen. Please don't tell her they're joining the contest as well...I wonder what stupid outfit she's going to have for the two of them.

"She's been like this ever since I came back," Bud sighed. "I told them that Arty should get five slices, but they fed him the entire container." Her words came out like a pouting foal that was being scolded. A sight that enamored Lazuli. If only she had a camera to make it last longer.

"You have no excuse for your failings," Nebula berated her mother. "Your focus should solely be upon Luna before any creature else. To neglect her for some menial conquest over the graceful dunce is inexcusable for a guardian."

"Yeesh," Lazuli sighed. "How long are you going to be mad?" Lazuli picked up the furious filly. Offended by this transgression, Nebula prepared her fangs to punish the Lazuli. However, foreseeing this action, Lazuli used a hoof prod the filly's head upward and sunk her own teeth upon the filly's sensitive ear.

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