08 (1/3) Unforeseen Bond

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An hour may have passed before the ponies at the hospital woke up. Lazuli and Doctor Dime were shocked to find Bud in the room with them. Her room was plenty of halls away from here. For her to be here, after what she went through this morning, should be inconceivable. And yet here she was silently consoling the lively colt that found every chance it could to suckle upon her hoof.

Passion, on the other hand, made a swift exit to the restroom after realizing she was sprawled upon the floor for a duration she feared to know.

From outside the room, Bud could hear many movements and voices demanding to know what happened. They sound so upset. She wondered what they would do if they learn it was caused by her son.

Doctor Dime excused himself as he left Lazuli to keep watch of Bud. She apologized to Lazuli after noting the wound on her hoof, but Lazuli downplayed it with her concern for Bud's well-being. Bud guessed she shouldn't bother, knowing the kind mare Lazuli is. Always rushing to her side whenever was distressed. Always defending her whenever Bud was being bullied. It's amazing to think that their relationship; was the complete opposite when they first met.

Doctor Dime returned with a few staff and provided a stretcher to escort Bud on back to her room, worried that she may of have placed more strain on her body. They would most likely not believe her if Bud told them she was fine. All that fatigue and pain she had earlier was miraculously gone. It was as if that disturbing scenery Lazuli described at the apartment never came from her.

Bud chose not to think too much on it. She already had more than she could handle on her mind.

Back in her bed, Bud confessed that it was her son that caused the incident. Her friends were hesitant to believe her, but doctor Dime was enamored from her statement.

He proposed that Bud's colt may have cast a drowsing spell. To perform this spell would require the user to overwhelm the psyche of their target. Fairly easy against simple-minded creatures, but more challenging for those who are more mentally aware. For a newborn colt to achieve such a feat on not only on a single grown pony but the entire population of the hospital was absolutely unheard of. But no pony had any evidence to rival against the possibility.

Doctor Dime decided that a magic suppression spell should be cast on the colt immediately before he has another magic discharge. His theory, however, discouraged himself from applying the spell, concerned that his moderate mastery of the spell would prove ineffective against a colt that is holding a sea of magic in his small horn. Instead, he called in another doctor.

A slim stallion with a similar lab coat to Dime's entered the room. The stallion seemed doubtful of Doctor Dime's claims but resolved to do his part, nonetheless.

The stallion instructed Bud to sit the colt atop herself. Unfastening her hooves from around the murmuring colt, Bud leveled the colt on his haunches. The colt then gazed blankly at the observant stallion as he tapped his horn to the colt's. the stallion then closed his eyes and a yellow aura momentarily enshrouded their horns.

The colt giggled and shuffled as Bud tried to keep him in place. But then she noticed a hint of blue sparks surging on the colt's horn.

Every pony was stunned silent when the stallion suddenly collapsed to the floor. Doctor Dime was the first to snap out of it and checked on the stallion to discover he had fallen asleep. Dime concluded this was due to magic feedback from the colt that appeared to easily overpower the stallion.

"Dear Celestia," Passion exclaimed. "That colt is a freak of nature."

"I can't believe that he really has so much magic," Leaf Clip was in awe.

"What're guys talking about," Lazuli seemed more chipper than the other two. "That was awesome. That little foal knocked out a grown stallion."

Bud, on the other hand, was silent on the matter. She was already aware of the colt's power and had her moment of shock. The colt raised his hooves for his mother and Bud was impelled to return the colt coiled in her hooves. Inciting high emotions from the colt would prove troublesome for every pony around her.

Thankfully, her daughter was still fast asleep beside her. She looked so adorable sleeping peacefully atop a pillow, but Bud knew that would change when she wakes.

She wondered why it had to be her. Of all ponies in the world, why does she have them as her foals? Why did they come out so unnatural? Each was a reincarnation of monsters that were quelled by the Sun Princess. Enemies of Equestria long ago.

And why despite knowing what they are, she was adamant about letting them go? Bud chuckled to herself, amazed how strongly she wanted to hold on to them. She was starting to think she was going mad.

The colt managed to catch her hoof again and suckled upon it. She should really get a pacifier when the opportunity arises. And while she was delved into those thoughts, every other pony was working to wake the sleeping stallion.

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