06 (1/2) Check-Up

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"Hey Bud," Lazuli called out as soon as she barged yet again into the patient room. "Did ya miss me?" Somehow expecting her friend to welcome her in a fawning fashion, Lazuli was joyous until she paused, perplexed by Bud's odd behavior.

Lazuli saw her friend examining the filly with observant yet baggy eyes, looking to all the features of the baby foal. Her friend soon about to lift the eyelids of the filly, but then halted her hoof and chose not to. Not able to make a lick of sense of what Bud was doing, Lazuli asked, "The heck you're doing?"

"Hm?" Bud turned her sights to Lazuli. "Oh, you're back.

"C' mon," Lazuli complained, a bit disappointed by her friend's lackluster response. "Where's your enthusiasm? I even brought out friends."

"My goodness," Bud heard a huff of a familiar voice. Her anticipation was answered swiftly when her associate, Passion Touch entered the room with Leaf Clip raggedly breathing from behind. "Would you learn some decency and not rush off in a hospital of all places? You will make it difficult for me to admit to all the staff that I'm associated with you."

"Then why did you try so hard to keep up with her," Leaf Clip commented as he tried to catch his breath as well.

"And let Lazuli be the first to hold the foals? Those poor babies would suffocate from her unhinged muscles."

"Can it," Lazuli sneered. "We're here to support Bud. You know, our friend who wasn't feeling too well this morning."

"Well, of course, she's not," Passion said like Lazuli was irrelevantly stating the obvious. "She pushed out twins did she not?" Passion peered past Lazuli and found the foals laying atop their mother. She moved past Lazuli and made her way to Bud's bed for closer inspection of them. Passion widened her eyes at the filly. "Why does she look like that?"

"Passion," Lazuli glared at her as soon as she flew to the side of the bed as well.

"What? I know you thought the same."

Leaf Clip joined the side of the two mares and found his sights on the filly. He was surprised just as Passion. "Incredible. I've never seen a creature quite like her."

"Guys," Lazuli growled. "Would it kill you to be more thoughtful?"

"I don't hear Bud making any complaints," Passion retorted. "I have to say though; it's quite daring of you to partner yourself with a foreigner. You should have told us sooner you were already dating. Now I feel silly for ever teasing you on the matter."

Dating? Bud had no recollection of partnering herself with any creature her whole life. Just as Passion has constantly made jokes of, Bud's attempts to court a stallion are rather lacking. Every time she would get nervous and simply freeze to a handsome stallion and the conversation, she tries to have with them would be quiet and then awkward and then over with the littlest chance to start over again.

"Don't think too much on that Bud," Lazuli said. "That's not important."

"If it's not an issue," Passion said. "Can I hold her?"

Bud paused for a moment there, weighing her options whether to give her oblivious friend her filly that is also the reincarnation of infamous creature that clashed against their Princess. Well, she is still asleep so Bud wouldn't expect her to anything. What could the filly do for that matter? She does have those small fangs, but they're unlikely to anything lethal anytime soon. "I guess it's okay," Bud decided.

Passion furrowed at Bud's choice of words, but then tossed the thought aside when the Bud hoofed the filly to her. "It's been quite some time since I've held a foal," Passion brushed the small streak of sapphire mane on the filly. The filly, in turn, opened her mouth, displaying her small pair of fangs. "By the sun, is she a vampony!?"

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