34: The Right Moment (1/3)

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"Enjoy the rest of the event," a pony hoped for Carrot Cake after he purchased two packaged ice cream cones. The exciting events have heated him and his wife. So, at his generosity, he purchased ice creams from a stand on the side field to cool the two of them down.

However, as he gingerly tried to return to his wife, he was stopped by two burly stallions. "Alright," Bright Mac voiced, catching Carrot by surprise. "You got some explaining to do."

At Bright's side was Bow Hothoof, who shared a rather unpleasant aura with Bright. If he didn't know them well, he probably would've run across the other side of the city by now. No, he probably would drop the ice cream cones in the process.

"Oh," Carrot started. "Hi guys. How's that competition going for y'all so far?"

"He still has the nerve to put on that innocent act," Bow grumbled. "Does he think we're a joke?"

"Excuse me?" Carrot questioned, though now he grew a bit anxious after noting their intense gaze. "Is there something wrong?" He stuttered.

"You darn tootin there is," Bright swore. Being within the scornful gaze of two burly stallions that can easily fold him like dough sent shivers down to Carrot's spine. "How on Equestria do you keep beating us!? There's no way you can be winning like this."

"Yeah," Bow agreed. "I'm fine with a loss every now and then, but to literally lose every single one against you is complete tartar sauce."

"What?" Carrot's voice trebled. "I never said I was part of your competition. That was all Chiffon spouting that."

"Oh, don't think you can weasel your way out of this." Bright pointed at Carrot. "Me and Bow have been given it our all and somehow you've been whippin the floor with us. You better not be up to any funny business."

"I don't have any secrets," Carrot argued. "It's just been an endless streak of bad luck. If anything, I should be the one upset here."

"You can't call it bad luck if it's constantly to your advantage," Bow argued. "There's no way a pony can do those antics so much and still win. There has to be an art to this."

"It's really not!" Carrot argued.

"Carrot," Bright started. "You've literally scored 17 out of the 25 points to win the volleyball matches. You did that two times against my team and Bow's."

"I tripped and fell," Carrot argued. "Many times!"

And let's not forget that little pinball action you had going on at the obstacle course that ended up putting me and Bow in the dust. I've never seen you done acrobatic stuff like that before."

"I was never good with those sorts of things," Carrot argued. "I barely even knew what was happening."

"I'm not buying it," Bow said.

"Guys," Carrot voiced. "I think you two may be taking this too seriously. We're all here just having fun, remember? It's just a game."

"Just a game!" Bright and Bow loudly voiced in a unison. Carrot flinched at their outrage, anxious if he had stepped upon a landmine.

"Is that how you view a stallion's pride?" Bright questioned. "Just a game that any pony can fiddle with? Oh, I'm definitely not gonna let this be."

"Yeah," Bow concurred. "Windy won't look at me the same way at this rate."

"Wait," Carrot said. "Is it me that you're mad at or is it my wife that keeps cheering for me." Carrot recalled that through each of his accidental victories, Chiffon was the loudest among ponies to celebrate his victories. Along with her were the two stallion's wives that appeared to be snickering at the result of the matches.

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