08 (3/3) Unforeseen Bond

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At Celestia's request, she was left alone with Bud and her foals. Lazuli made no qualm in refuting her and obeyed to give her privacy.

Bud was finding trouble to keep herself calm. How could she? A literal goddess was standing before her.

"I'm told that you've recently given birth to twins," Celesta spoke with a collected voice. "Forgive me for my lack of enthusiasm. I was not told that one of them was a Thestral."

"Thestral?" A few of the pressure left Bud when she heard that word. "You mean, you know what she is?"

The Princess gave her a careful glance. "You sound as though the word is new to you. Is your partner not a Thestral?"

Her partner? Bud does not recall having any pony that personal to her for years. Or ever for that matter; not that she hadn't tried. It was just always difficult for her to open up that much to stallions. And when she sensed a stallion may be trying to pursue her, she would get scared and flee. It was never their fault, of course. She would just get thoughts of her past. A part she would rather forget for as long as she lived.

"Where is he at the moment," Celestia asked. "I would think he would be here with his foals."

"I...," Bud didn't know what to say. Her situation was a complete disaster. Many other ponies would call this a blessing, but then they don't' have the Princess's greatest foes as their foals.

"Do you not know where he is?" Bud shook by the slight tension in Celestia's voice. The Princess noted her reaction and sighed. "I apologize. It was thoughtless of me to question you while in your condition." Celestia's empathetic smile managed to calm the distressed mare, but only by a little.

"But I must give you fair warning," Celestia continued. "The Thestrals are best not to be trusted." Celestia can see that Bud was perplexed by her claim. "Many ponies don't remember this, but long ago, the Thestrals used to live with us in Equestria. They served as Lunar guards, given the task to protect my ponies from any danger that lurked in the night in exchange for their citizenship. At first, I was hesitant about the entire arrangement. Their ability to turn invisible and carnivorous needs were unsettling. But as years gone by, I had grown accustomed to their presence."


"However, on the night of Nightmare Moon's arrival, they betrayed my trust and attempted mutiny alongside her. I was never able to find them again at the aftermath of Nightmare Moon's defeat. So, I hope you can understand why it's important that I need answers."

"-" That was a lot for Bud to absorb, but how does the Princess expect her to respond to that? Her daughter was the only Thestral she has ever met in her life. And the only reason for her foals' existence she could think of stemmed from those repeating wishes she made every night. But there was no way that could be it. Sure, she goaded herself to look upon the moon and stars to answer her hope, but deep down she knew that the whole thing was just nonsense, right?

Celestia realized Bud's internal dilemma and placed a hoof on her should and smile. "Please calm yourself, I don't mind being patient. I can wait until you are ready. So instead, how about we settle the matter I came for in the first place."

"There's more?"

"A letter was sent to my castle from the administrator of this hospital. It told about an incident created by your colt."

"I'm so sorry," Bud's voice rose. "I-"

"Now, now, there's no need for that. We can't expect an infant colt to keep conscience of his magic. Though it's quite astonishing that he could cast a drowsing spell. He must be brimming with potential."

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