21 It's Agreed (3/3)

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Bud returned home early to bathe her foals after Nebula had the bright idea to pounce upon a sun-themed cake that irked her as her impressionable son followed behind his sister. Artemis licked off the frostings and fillings glazed upon his coat as Bud carried her foals back to the house.

When Bud had finished washing and drying her foals, she proceeded to head back out with them to rejoin the festival. However, at the stairs, she was suddenly greeted by royal guard pegasus that flew to the floor that she was on.

"Loving Bud," the pegasus guard said. "Right?"

"Um," Bud started. "Yes."

"I have a letter for you from the princess," the guard gave a white envelope to Bud.

"From the princess?" Bud grabbed the envelope and opened its contents. She through the letter it contained and then said, "An invitation?"

"I am so excited for this picnic, Princess Celestia," said Sabah Glow after placing a tea on a table. She and the Princess were on opposite ends of a table within the castle garden as they unwind themselves with tea.

"Yes, I do expect the event to be a joyous experience for both of us. But tell me, how have you been?"

"Spice and I met a doctor and we learned that I am 3 months pregnant. In half a year, I should expect a beautiful daughter."

"I can't wait to meet her."

"However," Sabah said. "We are having issues onto the arrangement of our parenthood. Spice suggests that I move here to Canterlot to live with him but cannot simply leave my family to run trades without me."

"Are you sure it's impossible? Have you not considered all of your possibilities?"

"Perhaps not. Spice and I will wed at Southern Equestria. That would provide us time to speak with my family to discuss how dramatic our life will change."

"Don't think of it like that. Spice is a kind gentlecolt. I'm sure he will do what will make you happy most."

"That is not what I am concerned about. I am also thinking about the happiness of my daughter. I would prefer that she grows alongside her parents. That is why I want to attend this event. I wish would find belonging here in this region and hopefully, I can find new friendships. Who are expected to come, exactly?"

"I have made a personal selection of ponies for this event. Some of which are random. A total of six have been selected: You, of course, Pear Butter from Ponyville, Cloudy Quartz from Rockville, Twilight Velvet from Canterlot, Duchess Beryl also from Canterlot, and Loving Bud from Manehattan."

"Loving Bud," Sabah voiced. "I believe I heard Spice mentioning that name before."

"She is a recent mother of twins."

"Twins? My, that is amazing and quite scary at the same time."

Regardless, Celestia must make sure to become more acquainted with this mare. She had called off her spies after coming to the conclusion that either the thestral is avoiding contact with the mother or was aware of her spies. If Celestia desires to learn anything about this thestral, her only hope is through Bud. So, friendship is key. 

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