08 (2/3) Unforeseen Bond

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Hours had passed after the slim stallion woke up and was escorted to another room to be checked for any other effects. Doctor Dime concluded to postpone their efforts to suppress the colt's magic and resolved to seek advisement from the hospital's administrator.

Leaf Clip and Passion touch had left in between that time before giving their regards. Lazuli chose to stay and keep Bud company for as long as the staff would allow her. That at least got Bud to smile. She didn't want to be alone right now.

"How's your hoof," Bud noted the bandage on Lazuli's hoof.

"I already told you it's no big deal," Lazuli responded. "But, if it worries you so much, you could always kiss it better." Lazuli playfully flaunted her wounded hoof towards her concerned friend.

Bud only frowned at her friend's nonchalant gesture. "Why are you so casual about this? You were bitten by a filly of an unknown species. Her fangs could have poison for all we know."

"Wait, really?" Lazuli stopped her hoof and gave a worried look.

"Maybe. I don't know. But shouldn't that worry you?"

"Yeesh, don't scare me like that. I thought you were serious for a second there."


"Alright," Lazuli rose his voice. "If it'll keep you from getting your tail in a twist, I'll get it checked. There, feel better now?"

"Yes. Thank you."

A few moments went by without a word and was starting to get awkward for Lazuli. She glanced at the colt that was now asleep with his lips still engrossed Bud's hoof. "So," Lazuli started. "A weird-looking filly and a colt with a crazy amount of magic. Guess things won't be the same at our apartment anymore."

"I wouldn't think so."

A brief silence took over the room again. Lazuli was getting nervous. She felt had to ask, but she knew she wouldn't like the answer no matter what Bud would say. "...Hey, Bud. Were you-"

A knock on the door alerted the two mares. Lazuli figured it was either Doctor Dime or a nurse coming to check on Bud. Lazuli chattered her teeth at the inconvenient timing of this. still, she went to the door and answered it. But when she saw the pony behind the door, Lazuli faltered back so fast that she tripped onto her back.

Bud shared in Lazuli's astonishment as well. She was certain nothing else could possibly surprise any further. Why was she here?

Bud could feel a pressure weighing down on her as the pony stepped inside. Standing tall with her rainbow mane that flowed endlessly, the Sun Princess stood before Loving Bud.

"Your name is Loving Bud, correct?" Bud could not find it in herself to respond, wholly mesmerized that the Princess of Equestria was here in the same room with her. She at least noticed the Princess taking a glance at her foals. Her eyes oddly sharpened when she saw Bud's daughter. "I would like to speak with you in private."

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