12 (2/2) Home Sweet Home

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The Sugarcube Corner was as unique and conspicuous as she remembered it to be. This building hold so many fond memories of her foalhood. She did live here many years ago after certain event with her parents. The Swirls were a comforting company, and she was ecstatic to be seeing them again.

Inside, Bud discovered a familiar pony checking out a stallion at a counter. The stallion picked a white box atop his back and made his way past Bud and her group. Before leaving the shop, the stallion gave his regard, "See you tomorrow at your daughter's wedding."

The cashier behind the counter waved at the stallion and then donned his sight at Bud's group. "You've finally come. And I see you brought some new faces."

"Uncle Gossamer," Bud cheered as she pushed the stroller before the counter. Gossamer came around it and gave Bud a hug. "I'm so glad to see you again."

"As am I," he responded. "But don't you think you have two ponies you should introduce me to?"

"Right," Bud pulled back from her Uncle. Of course, he would want her to immediately address the two foals in her stroller. "Th-these are my foals." Bud stepped from Gossamer so that he can approach them. Bud pointed her hoof at Artemis, in which the colt responded by teething upon it. "This is my son Artemis, and this is my daughter Nebula."

Nebula gave a cold stare at the old stallion while Artemis glanced curiously at him. Gossamer then asked, "Why does she look like a baby vampony? It's not even close to Nightmare Night and you're already dressing up your baby."

"S-she's not wearing a costume," Bud mentioned.

"...huh? I don't want to sound rude, but what exactly is he? I've never seen anything like her in my life. And I've seen plenty."

"She is your great niece," Hope voiced as she approached the two. "Don't be so overly observant of things, you'll scare her."

"I'm just curious," Gossamer responded. "I'm just finding out now that I'm a great uncle. Heh, didn't think I would be bearing that title so soon. I'm not even an official father-in-law yet."

"You're not upset, are you," Bud worriedly asked.

"Oh no no," Gossamer hurriedly answered. "It's nothing like that. I'm happy for you Bud. I know for a long while you wanted this. I'm just curious of the stallion or creature you're partnered with."

"Oh," Bud wasn't looking forward to that explanation. "Okay then."

"Honey," a mare's voice was heard from a nearby room. "Is that Bud and Hope I hear?" A blue mare with a polka-dot apron entered the room and gaped her mouth when she spotted the stroller. "No way."

"Come look here Blueberry," Gossamer said. "Our Bud has brought us twins."

"Twins!" Blueberry rushed over and inched her head into the stroller. Both of the foals faltered at the mare's sudden entrance. Nebula took the initiative to display her fangs with a growl she hopelessly failed to make intimidating. "I can't believe it," Blueberry was in awe. "She actually did it. And they're so precious."

"H-hi Auntie Blue," Bud nervously voiced. Blueberry bore her sights upon her niece and surprised her with a hug. "Oh, I'm so proud of you. I don't even care that I've lost 20 bits."

"You bet 20 bits!" Gossamer shouted.

"What?" Blueberry said. "I didn't think I would lose. The odds seemed stacked in my favor."

"What are you talking about Auntie Blue?" Bud asked.

"Oh sis," Hope pulled her daughter from Blueberry. "There you go spouting random things again. I'm sure we have more important things to discuss."

"It apparently is important if Auntie Blue bet 20 bits," Bud argued.

Blueberry sighed and then said, "Hope, I think it's fair that she knows." Bud broke off from her mother and returned to her Aunt. "You see, your mother and I were having talks after news of Pear's marriage. At some point, our conversation came onto grand foals and your mother made a small bet that you would bear a foal before Chiffon. And well, you know how competitive we sisters get with our bets."

Bud turned to her mother, who was now averting her gaze to a window. Bud coldly stated, "you made a bet that I would get pregnant before Chiffon?"

"It's not as bad as you think," Hope anxiously smiled. "It was all in good fun."

"Don't tell me that's why you sent me to Manehattan?"Bud asked. "Was that all just so you can win some bet?"

"Bud," Hope's face was now serious. "I...We would never do anything to put our daughters in harm's way. Even over a bet; no matter how many bits we threw on the table. I only sent you way so you can find your happiness like I did. you made the decision yourself that Manehattan was where it is."

"I guess you're right," Bud admitted. "But I still think this requires a punishment. I've already told you how much I don't like your gambling problem."

"What?" Hope widened. "Come now Bud, be fair. It was just between us sisters. It's not like we were hurting any pony."

"I'm sorry mom, but it's for your own good." Bud then called, "Lazuli."

"Yeah," Lazuli and Raven were observing cakes through glass displays.

I'm going upstairs to see Chiffon," Bud started, but then looked to Gossamer. "Chiffon is here, right?"

"She is," Gossamer answered. "Pear is with her as well."

"Even better." Bud returned her sights to Lazuli. "Lazuli, can you watch my foals while I'm gone?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Also, be sure that my mom and auntie get no time with while I'm away."

"What!?" Both Hope and Blueberry shouted.

"Let this be a lesson to never make bets between your daughters. I'm sure Chiffon will say the same."

"A fair decision I say," Gossamer agreed, earning a scowl from Hope and his wife.

Bud pushed the stroller to Lazuli's hooves as her mother began to whine, "This is cruel Bud. HOw can you do this to us?"

"You'll be fine." Bud heads up the stairs but then stops when she heard a cry from the stroller. Bud immediately returns to Lazuli and ask, "What's wrong?"

Bud peered into the stroller and saw her son widening at the sight of her and then flailing his hooves out for her. Bud adhered to her son and picked him out from the stroller. Nebula then voiced, "You're just going to leave me here?"

After Bud settled Artemis within her hoof and she then whispered to her daughter, "Think of this as a good opportunity to make friends with Lazuli."

"And why should I bother to associate myself with this brute," Nebula retorted.

"That brute happens to be my friend. And my roomate."

"Ugh, you mean to tell me that I am forever to endure this mare's company?"

"Just try to get along with her, okay? If not for me, then for Artemis."

Nebula furrowed at her mother's suggestion, but then frowned when looking towards Artemis, who was jumping in jubilation towards Bud's face. He looks so silly and disgraceful compared to her former self, but she swore to the moon that she wouldn't let anything steal that joy from him; not even herself. Nebula sighed, "Fine, I'll offer the brute a chance to redeem herself. However, in exchange for my generosity, I demand a slice of cake."

"I should really say no, but if you promise to be on your best behavior, then I'll allow it." Bud craned to Lazuli's ear and informed her to buy a slice of cake for her daughter. Bud then returns to her venture upstairs as she ignored the pleas from her mother and aunt for their forgiveness.

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