12 (1/2) Home Sweet Home

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Bud was mesmerized by the rural lands when she stepped out of the train. The small buildings and placid environment was certainly out of her elements compared to the clamorous urban cities she has lived most of her life in.

Despite that, however, there was an air of familiarity and comfort that cities do not envoke in her. A sense of belonging that made her feel welcomed and accepted. Perhaps it was due to the cordial ponies that briefly greeted her or maybe because she no longer felt suffocated by tall buildings. No other place but Ponyville makes her feel this way.

Pear was devastated from her father's decision despite how hard she waited ponies to think otherwise. Bud and Chiffon were determined to life her spirits with their regular activities at Chiffon's place.

For years, Bud and Pear had helped Chiffon to improve herself as a baker as her assistants. Chiffon would concoct numerous sorts of recipes that would often result in success or sometimes the aftermath of a food fight. Regardless how they ended, the experiences brought them closer as friends; Bud's only back then.

Those were great times that she can still remember fondly. If not for the daycare center at Baltimare, she would have begged her mother to move back to Ponyville.

Exiting the tram station with her party, they made their way into the marketplace. The path was filled with lively bunches of ponies behind stands and striding along the street.

Bud's mother had conveniently purchased a baby stroller for the foals back at Baltimare; no doubt to score points of Nebula's favor since Nebula still showed scorn for her. Her mother may find this route to be hopeless since the purse of a common mare pales in comparison to the royal refineries Bud's daughter indulged in from her previous life.

Both of her foals were laid next to each other inside the stroller with a canopy that concealed them from the eyes of passing ponies. Convenient for her since she no longer has to worry about being the center of attention for having a Thestral daughter.

"Luna," Bud heard her daughter chuckle. "Stop, that tickles." It was a rare sight to see joy in Nebula's face. She was nearly upset her mother did not take a picture of the moment.

Moments after laying her foals inside the stroller, Artemis seized their proximity to emulate his grandmother. Artemis began nipping upon Nebula's ear and Bud become increasingly worried that her daughter may retaliate.

There was at first confusion upon Nebula's face, but then it winded to utter glee to Bud's surprise. It was hard to believe that filly so adorable could be the gravest threat to Equestria.

"She's so cute when she's happy," Hope commented from beside Bud. "Isn't it nice that the two of them get along so well?"

"I don't think that was ever an issue," Bud mumbled. Knowing the nature of their relationship, Nebula is wholly committed to protecting Artemis anyway she can. However, with the way she is now, she has little choice but to rely on Bud to take upon that task. Hopefully, her daughter can find comfort that she doesn't have to carry the burden. Bud happens to like this loose side of her.

"As much as I love to see the two bond, we'll need to find something to simmer them down when the wedding begins. I happen to know as shop here that have some gorgeous plushies."

"Mom, you can't buy Nebula's love. She's smarter than you think."

"I know that my lovely Bud, but a pony has to start somewhere." Hope shifted her sight to a small building. "And there it is. Lazuli, be a dear and come with me."

"What," Lazuli sighed. "But you already have me lugging all of our luggage." Before they left the tram station, Hope had rented a wagon for Lazuli to pull while on their way to Sugar Cube Corner. Lazuli resigned herself to agree for Bud's sake and has been kept company by Raven from behind the group.

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