15 (2/2) Our Choice

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A door opened into an apartment room as a yellow mare entered inside. she dropped her saddlebag on a couch and then loosened a tie off form her office dress. She made her way to a kitchen and then poured a bottle of wine in a glass. The mare breathed outwardly after gulping down the entire glass. Today had been another chorus and she wanted nothing more but to resign for the night.

She then returned to the living room and dropped her class after noticing a business-suited stallion seated on her couch. "By the sun," she swore. "Don't scare me like that."

The stallion held out an envelope and then tossed atop a lounge table toward the mare's direction. "Your performance today was good. But you have another assignment that you will need to start tomorrow evening. It's from the boss."

"Him?" the mare said sourly as she grabbed the envelope from the table. "Been a while since I've heard from that creep." The mare pulled the files out and then skimmed through two papers. Shen then looked incredulously at the stallion and asked, "Are you serious? These are just foals."

"I'm not here to hear about your morals," the stallion said. "You've been given a new assignment and you will carry it out."

"But this goes beyond my boundary," the mare argued. "can't he have somepony else do this?"

"Tenure Grace," the stallion's horn lit yellow as an embroidered choker on Tenure's neck began to tighten, making her stumble to the ground. "Our boss would like for you to make contact with the targets as soon as possible after they return to Manehattan. He's already made the arrangements for you. So, do this job right and you will be a step closer to your freedom. Is that clear?"

"Alright," Tenure gagged. "I get it. Just stop trying to kill me." The light dissipated from the stallion's horn and Tenure immediately huffed for air."

"Hurry and make the contact when you can," the stallion rose from the couch and headed for the exit of the apartment. "But remember that I have my eyes on you and I can end your life whenever I wish. You're no longer within the boss's favor."

The stallion left though the door and Tenure made certain that her locks were in place. She'll need to change them yet again.

Before Tenure would throw herself to bed, she picked up the two file papers she dropped on the floor. She observed the pictures of the foals she will need to be acquainted with. "Artemis and Nebula, huh?"

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