30: Mother of Five (5/6)

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"Now what should I make for my children tonight," Hope said as she tied an apron onto herself. "Maybe I should spruce up some nice soup to warm us up."

"I got this mom," Bud voiced. "You should spend some time with Artemis and Nebula."

"It's no trouble my lovely little Bud," Hope assured. "It won't take long."

"Mom just let me treat you to some food. I want to do this for you."

Hope paused at her daughter's words and then nodded, "Well, if you feel strongly about this, then I guess I'll leave you to it then."

"Thank you, mom," Bud smiled and then headed off to the kitchen.

At the living room, Hope found her grandfoals on the couch with Lazuli and Grace. Hope skipped to the couch and grabbed a hold of her surprised grandfoals, drowning them with her streaks of kisses.

Strangely, Hope noticed how Nebula wasn't putting much of a fight against her. Maybe her little granddaughter has finally learned to just accept her grandmother's affection or maybe, she's just permitting her because of the holiday. The latter sounds so much more probable, but Hope chose to lean on the former.

"My little filly is such a glutton for affection today," Hope cooed. "Don't you worry, my love is endless like a waterfall."

"You have a way of making everything so cringey," Lazuli commented.

"It is a little overbearing," Grace concurred.

"I'm going to feel so lonely when you leave my grasp tomorrow," Hope continued. "But those remarkable pictures I have of you and the others are sure to keep my spirits up. Hm, I think I may have to make a few copies for Blueberry."

"Hold on," Lazuli widened her eyes alongside Grace. "No pony said anything about copies."

"Come now, Lazuli," Hope said. "Something as special as this can't stay hidden. I just have to share it with somepony."

"You can't be serious?" Lazuli said. "There is no way I'm letting any pony see me in those dresses."

"Don't be shy Lazuli, you look so beautiful in these dresses. You should really get in touch with your feminine side more often."

"No uh, I'm drawing the line here," Lazuli stated. "No pony sees this."

"I'm sorry, Lazuli," Hope said. "But I'm afraid that this is non-negotiable. It's my day, after all."

"How about a challenge then," Grace voiced. "We settle this in a match and if we win, then you will have to keep those pictures locked in your room, never share it with any pony."

"A challenge, eh?" Hope lowered the foals to the floor and then tapped her chin. "Okay then, however, should I win, then I shall be given another free session to have all of you as models."

"You want us to do that again!?" Lazuli was shocked.

"Are we in an agreement?" Hope grinned at a disturbed Tenure Grace.

Lazuli walked to Grace's side and whispered to her ear, "I'm not sure about this. That mare is full of many surprises than she lets on."

"I'm well aware of that," Grace grumbled. "But don't worry, we happen to have a secret weapon that she's unaware of."

"We do?"

"It's a deal," Grace said.

"Wonderful," Hope clapped her hooves. "So then, how should we settle our bet?"

"A card game," Grace answered. "And Nebula will be your opponent."

"You want me to face my cute little devil," Hope awed. "I never figured you would let another pony fight your own battle. Especially a cute cuddly filly."

"Who're you calling cuddly!?" Nebula angrily voiced.

"I'm just going with the winning strategy," Grace said.

"Is that so," Hope said. "Then let's see where this strategy leads you."

Grace picked up Nebula and set her on the other side of the living room table from Loving Hope. She then whispered to the filly's ear, "We're counting on you Nebula."

"Fear not my lowly servant," Nebula said. "It was inevitable that I would have to put this mare in her place. Now come at me Loving Hope. En garde!"

After their card game, Lazuli and Grace tugged on Hope's hind legs as they begged for Hope to reconsider the bet. The two mares were appalled at how flawless Hope's victory was over Nebula. It was like a grown mare playing a regular match over a baby foal. But this baby foal was a genius, who managed to make fools of Lazuli and Grace!

"Now don't be a spoilsport," Hope said. "A deal is a deal, remember?"

"Please show mercy, Ms. Hope," Grace begged. "We don't mind you sharing the pictures with your sisters. But please, don't make us go back to that boutique."

"Oh no," Hope shook her head and gave a devilish grin. "You're going back. And this time, I'm going to have Prim Hemline prepare a very special set of commissions for just the two of you."

"How did you lose," Lazuli pointed at Nebula who was examining the cards. "You whipped us so easily back at home. Hope bribed you, didn't she?"

"Stop your complaining," Nebula growled. "I put as much effort as I did in denouncing all of your confidence back then. It would seem to appear that Hope is quite the player. I must submit defeat to her skills."

"A bet is a bet, Lazuli," Hope grinned. "I do hope to see you later on at the boutique."

"..." Lazuli kept her head down, too frustrated, and embarrassed to look at the mare. Something told her that she's going to find herself in a bunch of frills and laces in her future.

While Lazuli and Grace were shaking at their inescapable omen, Hope headed into the kitchen to check on her daughter. Her daughter sighed when she saw Hope and said, "You know, you're bullying them too much."

"Don't say such harsh things," Hope said. "We were merely bonding."

"More like taking advantage of her desperation."

"I'm a very fair pony, my lovely little Bud," Hope assured her daughter. "I gave them a chance and they failed."

"I see your morals are down the drain today."

"So," Hope skipped to her daughter's side. "What is my sweet filly making tonight?"

"Just fruit salads, mostly on the orange side."

"My favorite fruit," Hope cheered. "You know me so well."

"Of course, I do," Bud said matter-of-factly. "You're my mom."

"My, it only seemed like a day ago when you followed me wherever I went as a filly. You were so anxious and scared to be around others, but now you're so full of confidence and determination."

"I'm not all of that," Bud said. "I'm still anxious about stuff."

"But you're not afraid to face them head-on anymore," Hope remarked. It's amazing how much you've grown within a month. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, mom," Bud smiled. "But It only happened because you gave me that push to leave Baltimare. I don't think I would be in the same place I am now if it weren't for you."

"All I did was make a gamble," Hope confessed. "I wanted you to find your own special place as I did. Sure, I gave you a push and as did all your friends and family, but the most important pony that led the way was yourself. We can make all the roads we like for you, but only you get to choose which one to cross. So, don't discount that."

"I won't mom."

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