05 (1/2) Dawning Moon

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She felt cold. Tired. Painful.

Her eyes could barely open, but even then she couldn't make out anything. Everything looked hazy and constantly shifting about that it made her want to hurl.

Where is she right now? Why does everything hurt so much?

She wanted to cry, but her throat felt too parched to let her. She couldn't understand why?...Was she dying?

The thought quaked her heart relentlessly. Each beat stinging like she was constantly being stabbed.

Make it stop. Please, stop it.

Her body felt heavy. She couldn't even raise a hoof nor her head to even look at herself. A weak yawn escaped her. She can feel herself steadily losing consciousness.

No! She has to fight it back. What if she actually die if she falls asleep now? She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. This may hurt, but she'll have to pull though.

She heaved her head up, only managing to tilt it a slight to look down at herself. The effort was short, but the agony in moving her muscles were unimaginable to her.

She had a moment to look before that pain stole her consciousness. There was a familiar colt strapped to her forehoof that she tried to raise earlier. His fur looked so messy and dreadfully strained with a red substance.

There was also some pony else on her, but she couldn't make out who it was. The creature was at the other side of her barrel, fastened to her hind leg.

Haven't she seen these two before? The mare had little time to think upon it for she finally lost consciousness. The last thing she could register was a sudden creaking noise.

The next she heard was a beeping sound. It became tiresome after the fifth time it announced itself. The mare waved her hoof out, searching for an alarm to shut off.

"She awake," she heard a stallion's voice. Her eyes opened immediately, remembering that she was sleeping in her bedroom.

But instead of seeing her room, she found herself in a white room. A stallion in a lab coat approached her at the side of a bed that wasn't her own.

"How are you feeling Ms. Bud," the stallion asked.

"---" Bud was drawing a blank on how to react.

"Confused? That's understandable. I can explain what has happened." Bud shifted her sights across the room. From the other side from herself, she can see a green and blue mare dressed in nurse attire. THey appear to be in front of a counter with running sinks on opposite ends. Were they washing their hooves?

"Please don't move too much," the stallion said. "You wouldn't want to put any more stress on your body."

"Am...am I in a hospital?" Bud managed to get her words out.

"Yes," the stallion answered. "Your friend called in for you after finding you...in your predicament."

"Oh, right. I wasn't feeling so well this morning. Was I really that sick?"

"Sick isn't the word I would choose."

"So I'm not sick?"

"Ms. Bud, you were aware you were pregnant, right?"

"...huh?" As Bud was now even more confused by the stallion, a door slammed open with her friend Lazuli emerging.

"Bud," Lazuli shouted. The pegasus flew next to Bud's bed alongside the stallion. "Oh thank Celestia you're still alive."

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