31: Caught Between The Winds (2/2)

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At the front of Bud's home stood Wind Rider, Lazuli's father whom she and her group were currently talking about. Bud was struck with a mixture of surprise and confusion to see him, but Wind however was indifferent to Bud's reaction and answered, "Loving Bud, is my daughter here?"

"Um, well, yes. But what're you—"

"Brother," Windy lurched behind Bud. "Is it really you?"

Again, Wind Rider was indifferent as he stepped inside and went past Bud and Windy. In the living room, he discovered his bewildered daughter and approached her. "I figured you would be at your workplace at this time. Care to explain why you're slacking off?"

"The heck is you doing here?" Lazuli growled.

"Today is a special event from your school for parents and students. I felt it necessary to observe you at work."

"How do you know that? I don't tell you anything about my job?"

"You honestly think I wouldn't keep tabs on my own daughter?"

"Wind Rider, right?" Bow stood before Wind. "My name is Bow Hothoof. I'm the husband of your sister, Windy Whistles."

Wind did not respond to Bow, only glancing around his figure as if he were assessing him. "Your body is too heavily built. I can tell your top speed is likely below average."

"I guess Windy was right about how you judge ponies," Bow commented. "It's kinda impressive honestly. But that's not important. I think you should talk with your sister. You've put her through some rough spots, and you should apologize to her."

"I don't remember asking for your input," Wind dismissively said.

"I don't remember asking for yours!" Lazuli growled.

"Everypony back to their seats," Hope voiced. "I prefer it we don't drive this into a jumbled hiss fit. Wouldn't you agree, Wind Rider?"

"...Of course," Wind agreed as he took a seat beside the couch that Windy returned to. His sister took frequent glances upon him that he chose to ignore.

Growing annoyed by the returning silence, Lazuli sighed and said, "Fine, I'll bite. Why are you showing your face here when no pony asked for it?"

"You could have worded that differently," Grace mumbled.

"I've come here to see where Loving Bud's influence has led you," Wind indifferently stated. "Ever since you fell into the whims of that mare,"—Wind nodded towards Loving Bud— "you have strayed from the path I had set for you."

"That's because I chose my own," Lazuli argued. "You don't get to dictate where I go."

"And so, you let somepony else do it for you."

"That's not true," Lazuli growled at her father's remark.

"You may not like to admit it," Wind said. "But ponies have always had a strong impression on you. The only reason it wasn't as bad now was because your focus was latched only to me. Now that you've moved to Bud, you've let everypony lay an impact on you."

"Will you quit with the exaggeration?" Lazuli leered at him. "You make it sound like I got corrupted when that definitely wasn't the case. Stop being a stubborn geezer and realize that I chose to be this way."

"Yes, yes," Wind said. "You've made that argument countless times, but it's never that convincing. That's why I would like to see the result of these choices you presumed to have made for yourself."

"What're you going on about?"

"Friends and family members of the staff and students are welcome to participate in the Field day event of your school. Since you are the one orchestrating the event, I intend to see how you fare."

"You're going to challenge me? For Celestia's sake, why can't you just accept that this is who I am?"

"If you want me to think otherwise, then prove it to me. Show me if this is what your cutie mark intended for you."

"And what? If I fail, will you disown me like you did with your other family?"

Wind's eyes strained at her daughter as the two began to glare at each other, building a tense atmosphere that left the group unnerved. At least, until Hope stepped into the conversation and said, "Well I think it's a wonderful idea."

"Seriously?" Lazuli was astonished.

"Wind Rider might be a party pooper," Hope admitted, earning an annoyed glance from the stallion. "But he's still part of the family. And with Windy and Bow coming along, this should just about include everypony."

"...What do you mean by everypony," Bud stepped before her mother.

"It's just as what it means," Hope answered matter-of-factly. "I've already mailed to all our friends and family about the event that Lazuli would be hosting at the school days ago. They should be on the field pretty soon. I even managed to invite your friends you met at Canterlot. Isn't that exciting?"

"Mom!" Bud pounced her mother and began to pinch her face. "Stop doing things behind my back!"

"Easy honey," Hope said. "Don't you know that means that Bright Mac is coming as well. That will be a treat, won't it?"

"He's married!" Bud roared as she roughly pinched upon her mother's cheeks. Her transgression only a laugh from her mother as the others were a bit confused about what to do in this scene.

All except for Wind and Lazuli, who bore at each other's eye with determination. Neither chose to relent as always, so they finally set it on the field.

"You ponies are so overdramatic," Nebula sighed from Lazuli's side.

"Does that filly have fangs!?" Windy suddenly shouted. 

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