21 It's Agreed (2/3)

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The next day began refreshing from their usual activities. With her family and co-workers, Bud entered the community park of Manehattan where the festival would take place. Leaf Clip had mentioned this to a quarterly event across the year where they celebrate the growing arts of Equestria. Though Leaf being analytical, he also mentions that they are attempts from the officials to spring funds from.

As Bud pushed a stroller containing her foals, they passed by booths and tents that were splayed across the area. Bud's giddy cousin, Chiffon Cake, ran in front of the group and swiveled her sights around the area.

"You're certainly in a rush," Bud heard her co-worker, Passion Touch, voice. "Is there a specific spot you're looking for?"

"There's supposed to be a baking shop somewhere," Chiffon said. "I know it has to be somewhere."

"I'm sure we'll find it in due time," Passion assured. "But in the meantime, why not the two of us become acquainted. I know, why not tell how you and this kind stallion met each other?"

"Curious about my love story, aren't you," Chiffon said.

"Honey," Carrot voiced with a blush. "Maybe we should hold off on that."

"There's no need to be shy," Passion said. "Love is something to be cherished and respected. I just want to learn from your success."

"Learn?" Chiffon wondered. "Oh, I see. You want tips, don't you?"

"W-wha?" Passion faltered. "I never said that."

Bud tuned out their conversation and turned to Lazuli, who was speaking in a small voice with Leaf Clip. Their face seemed a bit serious; wonder if they are talking about.

Her sights then hesitantly shifted to Grace, who was tagging the group from behind. Since today was a holiday from work, there was no point in having a nanny to watch over her foals. Still, Hope was persistent to suggest that they should bring the mare along. And though Bud clearly stated that she was against it, Hope still dragged the mare with them.

Tenure Grace seemed very quiet and secluded from the group, making brief glance at Bud and the stroller. There was even a moment when their eyes met, and both immediately averted their gaze.

"Maybe you should talk to her," Bud suddenly heard her mother speak to her.

"What?" Bud raised her brow. "Why would I do that?"

"The two of you have barely had any conversation with each other," Hope said. "C'mon, you don't want to her look so unhappy on a holiday, do you?"

"You're the one who brought her," Bud argued. "Why can't you keep her company?"

"Bud," Hope started. "I'm heading back to Baltimare soon and I just want the two of you to get along before I leave. Just try, please?"

Bud groaned at the request from her mother. Of course, that would be her reason.

The group approached a booth that held numerous display shelves, containing the thing Chiffon had been striving to witness. Cakes. Lots and lots of cakes. Colorful grandeurs that appeared so diverse and exotic from each other that it should be considered a gallery than a regular cake shop.

"By Celestia," Chiffon wowed as she rushed upon the display case. "They're so magnificent! It's like I'm staring at a masterpiece!"

"Welcome, welcome," Chiffon heard a voice from over the counter. Raising her head, she and the group were surprised to see a donkey before them. "I can see that you're quite enthralled by my designs."

"Oh yes," Chiffon voiced. "The structure of them is so unique and they have such an enticing scent."

"Is that a Hummingbird Cake," Carrot voiced as he rushed beside his wife.

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