29 Let's Talk (1/4)

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"Nebula," Bud voiced. "You need to stay in the stroller."

"I want to see Luna first," Nebula demanded as she tried to push her mother aside. A few days have passed since Bud took her sick leave to care for Nebula. Never did Bud imagine that she would be exhausting her vacation days in her first month on the job. But then again, she did not account for becoming the mother of two ancient creatures that happen to be the remains of Princess Celestia's sister. Not exactly what she expected from her motherhood, but she wouldn't change it any other way.

Though, she would feel a lot better if her rebellious daughter complied with her mother and stayed in her stroller. Bud has an appointment with Doctor Dime today for a checkup on Nebula's condition. Her daughter has thankfully shown a fast improvement after the doctors from Canterlot concocted a drug for Nebula to ease her headaches. Nebula would try to resist Bud, complaining how icky it tasted, but a poor taste isn't going to stop Bud if it makes her little filly feel better. The end justifies the mean.

"Nebula has to be feeling better if she has enough energy to throw a tantrum." Lazuli voiced from the living room while keeping her gaze squarely on Artemis. The two were playing a staring contest, which Bud found odd for a foal that is barely a month old to learn. Then again, he is the reincarnation of an alicorn.

"I'll know that soon enough when I hear it from the Doctor," Bud said. "We don't want to risk contacting Artemis with Nebula's sickness, do we?" Bud stressed those last words to Nebula as the fuming filly gritted her teeth and laid into the stroller.

"Well, I know that," Lazuli said. "I'm just saying."

"I know Lazuli," Bud sighed as she pushed the stroller through the open door of her bedroom. Her gaze then set upon Tenure Grace, who was silently standing beside the entrance to her bedroom. Her eyes appeared fixed upon Lazuli and Artemis. "You okay there Grace?"

"I am well," Grace answered. "But more importantly, I suggest you hurry off to the hospital. And remember not to let Nebula perform her little shadow trick."

"I already know that Grace," Bud said. "And I'm positive that Nebula won't be doing any funny business during her checkup. I know she wants to be passed this just as much as we do."

"You're right," Grace sighed and craned her head with a hoof. "I apologize. I'm just feeling wary, that's all."

Bud blanked at Grace's response. It seemed obvious that something was bothering the licensed mare. She has been appearing more tense than usual these past few days. Bud had approached Grace about it and she explained that the government officials have been pestering through most of the wakes of her days. Bud had offered to step to give those ponies a piece of her mind, but Grace assures that she can handle it.

Well, if that's how Grace feels, then Bud should take her word for it. Dealing with them is a part of her job after all.

Bud sighed and placed a hoof on Grace's shoulder. "I want you to at least try to relax, okay? Lazuli is here for Artemis, so it's okay to use that time to unwind yourself."

"That would be rather unprofessional on my part," Grace raised a brow.

"I don't need a professional, Grace," Bud retorted. "Just ponies I can trust. And right now, I need this pony to cool her head before she ends up being the next one I take to the hospital."

Grace resigned with a nod and walked to the living room couch to catch a closer view of Lazuli and Artemis's contest. When Bud traced back her eyes to the stroller, she noticed Nebula was again trying to crawl herself out.

"Nebula!" Bud voiced as she pushed her daughter back inside and covered her with blankets. Nebula was getting bothered by Bud's interference and displayed her fangs in order to punish her mother. To Nebula's dismay, Bud halted the filly when she pinched her soft ear. "If you're going to keep disobeying me, then you leave me with no choice. Safety belts."

Bud strapped the filly with belts that were attached to the stroller. She had never used them because she liked for her foals to have freedom inside the stroller. Both were foals that would cause rowdy antics that Bud would find to be the most adorable. But Nebula's condition was a serious matter, and she would go through any lengths to ensure her recovery. Even if it meant using the oppressive locks on her.

"I want to see Luna," Nebula whined again as she shifted about in her attempt to shake the belt off of her. Bud sighed at her daughter's continued struggle.

"You'll get to have Artemis all to yourself once we're certain you're all better," Bud assured the filly as she rubbed her cheeks. "Just be patient, Nebula."

Seeing that nothing can be done, Nebula relented back on the seat of the stroller and gazed at the back of Artemis. His face seemed transfixed on the tomboyish mare. She was bothered that she couldn't catch a glimpse of his face. She went for days without his gaze, his warmth, his touch...but if she only has to bear it for only a few more hours, then has no choice but to hold her fangs.

"Make haste with this menial task," Nebula pouted with her cute demanding voice. "You've harbored me long enough as it is." Bud happily nodded to her daughter's compliance.

"Don't overexert yourself," Bud told Grace. "And Lazuli, remember to only feed Artemis at most five cuts of pineapples. I don't want him gaining too much weight after he went through a whole container last night."

"How'd he even manage to break in the refrigerator?" Lazuli wondered while keeping her eyes on Artemis. "I thought Princess Celestia sealed off his magic?"

"The Princess did not seal away his magic, Lazuli," Grace informed. "The suppression spell is meant to restrain the Artemis's pool magic to prevent any powerful erratic spells from emerging out of him."

"I knew that," Lazuli grumbled.

"Five cuts Lazuli," Bud voiced as she made her way to the front door. "Remember that."

"I got it, Bud," Lazuli answered.

When Bud finally left the apartment, the room went silent as Lazuli and Artemis continued to gaze at each other. Grace simply observed their shenanigan from the comfort of the couch. However, feeling a bit unnerved by the quiet, she felt compelled to speak.

"How long do you intend to play this game?" Grace asked.

"As long as Artemis needs to realize who's the best gazer here," Lazuli answered. "If it's boring you, you can always just go. I got things handled here."

"I thank my services are muchly needed here," Grace retorted.

Lazuli's eyes shifted toward Grace with a glare, but then widened as she realized that she looked away from Artemis. The colt raised his hooves as he cheered at his indisputable victory.

"Hold on," Lazuli voiced. "She distracted me. We have to run it back."

"The leisures will have to wait," Grace voiced as she hopped off the couch. "I believe it's time we feed Artemis."

"Yeah, yeah," Lazuli said as she grabbed hold of Artemis. "I'll get the pineapples."

"The pineapples can come later," Grace said. "What Artemis needs is a light diet. Fortunately, I happen to know a recipe that will suffice."

"And what? You think I can't cook a good enough grub for Artemis?"

"Can you?" Grace raised a brow.

"...Just shut up and cook," Lazuli grumbled as she carried Artemis into her bedroom.

"Then I shall call you when I'm finished." When Lazuli shut the door, Grace made her way for the small kitchen. If her memory served her correctly, Bud and Lazuli should have the right selection of ingredients that she needs to serve Artemis. A nice meal will surely put Artemis to rest for a bit, giving her enough time to speak her mind to Lazuli. That careless mare must be reprimanded for her foolishness.

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