03 (7/7) Vivid Dream

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Her mind drifted back to the same recurring dream. Again she found herself atop the thick rolled leaf and showered by the pink light of the large lilies. But there was something different here again. She felt a presence close by. Very close. Bud checked beneath her barrel and there that presence was.

Snuggled between her hooves was an anonymous foal, sleeping soundly within her grasp. Its shape was hazy within her eyes, but its small size compared to her led her to that assumption. She can feel the slow rise and drop of the foal's body as it breathed.

If only this moment could last forever. But alas the moon beamed at her and irked her from her dream.

She let out a yawn and stretched her forehooves out. As she was about to get out of her bed, her ears flicked at the sound of a soft breath. She looked aimlessly across her room for the source but soon realized the sound was coming from within her sheets.

When she unraveled them, she discovered a small horned blue colt cuddled upon her. His small patch of white mane rustling against Bud's lime fur as the small colt rubbed his head against her belly. She was astonished. She couldn't believe it. She had to still be dreaming. This couldn't be real. Or maybe, just maybe. Something, be it the stars or Celestia herself finally blessed fantasy true.


A hollow voice startled her. The voice emanated from beneath her bed.

Luna? Where are you?

The voice revealed itself as a large pegasus, cloaked in completely in darkness. It rose above her bed and crawled toward the sleeping colt. Bud can see the slitted cerulean eyes gaze with longing at him.

The creature stepped closer towards colt that was in Bud's clutch. Loving Bud wrapped the sleeping colt in her hooves and shielded him from the creature.


The creature breathed in a tired voice as it stood atop the bed. She clutched the colt closer, not knowing what to do but to protect the foal the best she could think of. She feared the creature would sink its fangs at her at any given moment. But a moment went by. And then a few seconds. And then more.


Bud peeked behind her. The creature was nowhere in sight. But instead, there was another creature. A filly. A small winged black filly lounged beside her, nearly over her loin to the small colt. The filly's eyes gazed in dismay at Bud as it slowly lidded shut before the filly whispered.

"What have you done?"

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