33 Blossoming Passions (3/4)

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The first event of the school Olympics began with a horseshoe toss contest. The main field was split around in facets as the four teams mediated where they would take their place.

In one area, a game between team red and blue had taken place, where Bright and Bow focused their precision to outdo each other. Hope couldn't help but be enamored by sudden searing cheers the stallions' wives gave. And as they burst their voices, Wind Rider stood idle beside Hope, brooding over his entrapment on the field. He would have taken kindly to just sitting on the bleachers had he not been browbeaten by Hope to come down.

On another place on the field, Bud had held fasten on a horseshoe and tossed it to a pole. As the horseshoe swiveled around it down to the ground, Bud earned the cheer of her friends.

"An impressive toss," Grace commented as she whisked her own horseshoe with her magic. "I see that you have a lot of experience in this activity."

"Remember that you're not supposed to use magic, Grace," Bud reminded her.

Grace gawked at the mare and voiced, "Why not? I don't particularly remember hearing rules where I could not?"

"It's called good sportsmanship," Bud said, glaring at Grace's magic until the social worker relented and dropped the horseshoe into her hoof. Grace flailed a slight from the sudden weight of the object. "Now, do your best, okay."

"I hope you're not enjoying this too much," Grace sneered.

As the games took place across the field with foals and ponies competing with opposing teams, Leaf and Passion observed it all from Bud's blanket. Between them sat Artemis, whom Leaf fed him slices of pineapples that he would constantly lunge his mouth for.

Under the request of Bud, Leaf had taken upon himself to feed the starving colt that began heckling his mother before the beginning of the game. Not wanting to be separated, Nebula joined them as she watched Artemis inches away.

Passion Touch happened to follow him to the blanket, seeing that she has no placement in the current game. A rather nice convenience if Passion was honest with herself.

"You're certainly the quirky eater, aren't you?" Leaf chuckled as Artemis swiped another pineapple slice that he picked from Bud's container.

"You must have an affinity for the colt to let him prance over you like that," Passion commented. Though she found the colt to be remarkably adorable in her outfit, that feral behavior of his was rather asinine. Luckily, he was cute.

The filly on the other hoof was still a fright to approach despite her adorned garments. Sitting inches before the two, the filly would briefly open her eyes to stare at her brother. Those sharp slit eyes of hers still gave Passion a shudder.

"How has Bud managed to keep her sanity around these two?" Passion wondered.

"Ponies learn to adapt as they grow," Leaf said after being embezzled from another pineapple slice from the colt. "Changes in life are things that we don't immediately get used to, but over the course of time, it becomes natural."

"I didn't expect to receive a personal lecture from you," Passion grinned. "You have no way of turning it off, do you?"

"Do I?" Leaf wondered. "Then I guess it's one of my habits. I don't think I should worry about it though since it's proven helpful to ponies."

"You don't want anything about it to change? But what if there's a potential for growth that would make you happier? I certainly would wish for it."

"Are you saying that I should change?" Leaf asked.

"No need to be defensive," Passion chuckled. "I'm merely saying that you should be open to some changes yourself. It has done wonders for both Bud and Lazuli, wouldn't you agree?"

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