22 Mother Moon 6 (3/3)

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At another section of the castle, a window was shoved open as a black cloth was tossed inside a guest room. A thump pervaded the room as a dark figure suddenly popped into existence. The dark pony figure gleamed its slit eyes upon the black cloth and enshrouded it upon itself.

"If only I could remain unseen forever I would not need such a careful approach," the dark hooded pony said. The pony approached the door within the room and carefully pushed it open to see through the opening for any guards. Much to the pony's convenience, the hallway was empty.

The pony immediately entered the hallway and soared to the ceiling to camouflage the best the pony could within the dark corners. The pony clicked its mouth and then proceeded its way across the ceiling.

With Celestia distracted and her guards drawn near her garden, the hooded pony was given a fair opportunity to search for Celestia's most powerful treasures. With Luna and her shadow back, he must ensure that there are no threats to her resurgence to the throne.

The pony had searched for them before, hoping that it would be hidden somewhere in the Castle of Two Sisters or perhaps the Havern of Harmony. But it was inevitably a fool's errand. No way would the Princess keep something so important in that ruin.

The hooded pony knew it had to be somewhere in this very castle. The pony just needs time to search all of its corners and crevices. And once the pony finds it, then nothing shall ever again come against their revolution.

"His name is Artemis," Bud presented her sleeping son to the mares. Bud held him between her hind legs and then leaned him on one of them. Her son rubbed the side of his face on her leg and then began to suckle upon it.

"So this is a famous colt that I have heard to put an entire pony within a hospital asleep," Beryl said.

"He did what?" Velvet voiced.

"I-it was just a magic discharge," Bud defended. "He didn' t mean to do it."

"Artemis possesses a vast potential with his magic," Celestia voiced. "But fear not, his magic is currently under check." Celestia gazed at the sleeping colt longingly. "Though I am admittedly disappointed that he's fast asleep. Our time together was quite brief."

"He kind of tuckered himself out on the way here," Bud explained.

"I'll say," Pear added. "Arty and Little Mac make a frightening duo."

"Then he should bring interesting prospects in Canterlot when he began his tutelage under the Princess," Beryl said.

"Tutelage?" Sabah voiced and then faced Celestia. "You're going to teach Artemis?"

"It's not every day that you find a pony with such potential in magic," Celestia said. "I wish to help Artemis harness it. I believe that he will contribute all sorts of wonders for Equestria if he puts his mind to it."

"W-well, that's like years from now," Bud said. "No point of thinking about it right now."

"That you are correct," Celestia agreed.

"So," Beryl said. "What of the other? I hear that she's quite a sight to behold."

"Right..." Seriously, how many ponies have heard of her and her children!? It's like she's the talk of Equestria or something. Regardless, Bud relented and went to the stroller. She can see her daughter peering at her with those slit eyes. Bud pushed her head close to Nebula and whispered, "You remember what we talked about, right?"

"...I'll try," Nebula answered. "That is all I can promise." Bud nodded and grabbed her daughter out of the stroller. As soon as she set her beside her sleeping son, the other mares gasped at the sight of her.

"Beryl was right," Velvet said. "She's definitely a sight to behold."

"What creature is this?" Cloudy asked. "Never have I set my eyes on such a thing."

Nebula stared down at the blanket beneath her, anxious to look up at the pony sitting before her. The one that ruined everything that she set to build for Luna.

She hated that mare with every fiber of her being. How could she be so ignorant of the pain that was plaguing the sister she dared to call precious to her. She should've known, yet she did nothing.

"She looks upset," Sabah voiced. "Is she okay?"

"She just had a bad dream," Bud lied. "I think it really scared her. Maybe I should--"

"If it's alright with you," Celestia started. "May I hold her?"

"..." Bud paused at the request from the Princess. "A-are you sure?"

"You have nothing to fear Bud," Celestia assured. "I promise I don't bite."

It's not really you that I'm worried about biting. Bud nervously dawned upon her daughter who was still stared at the blanket. What's she supposed to do here? Is she allowed to say no to the Princess? How would the other mares think of her if she did? It might make things really awkward if she did that. "Um, sure..."

Bud lowered her head to Nebula's ear and whispered, "Do you think you can do it?"

"The world just continues to test me," Nebula growled. "Doesn't it?" Nebula stepped forward and began her approach toward that mare. Never did she bother to look up, worried that if she did that she would no longer be able to contain herself. And when she set her eyes on the mare's white hoof, she felt a pair raising her from the ground.

And there she was. The pony that bested her all those centuries ago, Princess Celestia.

"..." Celestia paused at the sight of a grimaced filly. "Those eyes look so familiar."

"Why wouldn't they," Beryl voiced. "You've met the thestrals in the past, haven't you?"

"Yes," Celestia confirmed. "That I did." Celestia wrapped Nebula around her hoof and held her close to her pectoral. Nebula looked back at her mother that was anxiously observing her.

"Thestral?" Velvet wondered. "Is that what she's called?"

"That is correct Velvet," Celestia answered. "They are a race that was once citizens of Equestria."

"They lived with us," Sabah voiced. "Then why are they no longer here?"

"That's...a long story."

"I actually wouldn't mind hearing about it," Bud voiced. "There's actually a lot of questions I have about the thestrals."

"You wish to know more about them?" Celestia said. "Well then, how I about I began a tale of how I first met them then. However, I ask that we keep this between us. It is a matter I wish to keep private. Are we all in agreement?"

The mares nodded as Celestia began the tale that had pondered the mind of Bud.

Celestia had sat on her throne as the moon began to rise to the sky. Her mind pondered to the strange rumors that have been spreading across her lands.

The door to the throne room opened as a dark blue mare confronted her. Celestia perked at the mare and smiled "Luna hath awakened."

"Greetings T̶e̷a̵c̴h̴e̷r̸," Luna responded. "I̴ ̶a̷m̵ ̴p̵r̷e̵p̵a̶r̸e̸d̷ ̴f̵o̵r̶ ̵t̵h̴i̷n̸e̵ ̵l̴e̵s̷s̵o̷n̴s̷."

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