33 Blossoming Passions (2/4)

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Ponies had assembled across the corners of the main field to compare colored cards they received from stadium workers that welcomed them at the entrance. There, they received one of four colors, red, blue, green, and yellow, that they were urged for the ponies to keep a hold of until this very moment.

Bud held her green card out as she followed a group of ponies into one of the corners of the stadium that Lazuli prompted ponies to gather at. Cautious of her foals' wellbeing, Bud had them climb atop her so she would not lose them within the crowd.

"Dear Bud," Bud heard a voice calling to her. Following it through the throng of traversing ponies, she discovered Beryl waving widely at her. "We are here. Please, come to us."

With Duchess Beryl were all the ponies she had communed with at Celestia's garden: Sabah, Velvet, and Quartz.

"We are so fortunate to be able to play these games together," Beryl cheered. "It is not very often I have the opportunity to sport with my friends." Blueblood and Shining Armor came upon Bud and crawled upon her hoof. Their eyes were drawn upon Artemis, who had his hooves wrapped around upon his mother's neck.

"I'm glad as well," Bud smiled, but then looked towards Sabah. "But what're you doing here? Shouldn't you be taking yourself easy?"

"It is only a short walk," Sabah assured. "I am certain my husband will not mind."

"She's curious to see who has been partnered with each other," Velvet voiced as she strode before Bud to whisk her son upon her back. She then takes a place beside Bud so that her son could rub his face upon Artemis.

This however gained an uproar from Blueblood, who now started to jump and leap upon Bud's pectoral. This prompted Beryl to intervene to follow suit on Velvet's action as she voiced, "It's okay Bluey, your mother won't leave you behind."

When Blueblood was finally within range, he pushed his face upon Artemis's other side. Nebula leered at the colts for invading their space but then chose to hold back her fangs when he heard a giggle from her brother.

Bud looked upon her back to look at her son's fondness of the sudden attention from his friends. "They really do like Artemis, don't they?" Bud commented.

"This is rather a joyous phenomenon for me," Beryl said. "My dear Bluey has never shown this much interest in other foals. His attention has always been centered towards me no matter how many friends have offered to him."

"He's certainly gotten your son to open out of his shell," Velvet commented. "He's even been more open to playing with Shining now."

Quartz observed the three mares that were chummily remarking upon their children's friendship. It had prompted her to look upon her daughter, who was snug comfortably with a wrapped strap upon her pectoral.

"Do you wish for Limestone to join them?" Sabah asked.

"What?" Cloudy gaped at her, surprised by the attention. "My foal shall join them when she chooses to. It is not a decision I can force upon her. Believe me, I hath tried."

"I believe your patience will be dutifully rewarded," Sabah smiled.

"It would give me joy for my daughter to have a circle of friends," Cloudy admitted. "I can only hope she ceases her struggle to push them away."

As the two watched the three mothers observe their children's antics, they were halted by the calling voice of a filly, "Ms. Bud."

Bud perked at the familiar voice, turning her sights about until she found Raven rushing over to her. A smile came upon Bud as she lowered her face to groom upon her students. "It's so good to see you, Raven. Does this mean you're with team green?"

"I wouldn't want it to be any other," Raven confessed. Her eyes then traced to Bud's foals when she met their gaze. "Hi, you two," Raven greeted them. "I've really missed y'all."

Artemis began to wiggle about, trying to slide his body off his mother. However, Nebula rushed to pull him back. "What are you doing?" Nebula remarked. "Are you trying to hurt yourself?"

"Easy you two," Bud said. She crouched her body to the floor, giving her son leeway to safely dismount to the ground. Nebula followed suit as to keep close to her brother. "Here, now go say hi to Raven."

Artemis skipped and leaped upon Raven. The filly readily caught the colt and embraced him. "You look so cute in your outfit, Artemis," Raven commented. "I never would have thought of you as a pretty cheerleader."

"Don't get too chummy with Luna," Nebula growled. "You're but a mere speck compared to her greatness."

"Don't worry Nebula," Raven voiced. "I didn't forget about you." Raven reached out her other hoof to draw in Nebula for a hug. At first, Nebula tried to resist Raven's warm embrace, the feeling of Artemis's body close to hers, drew her into a stupor that could not help but fall into the whims of.

"Is she perhaps the star student you have mentioned before," Beryl asked.

"This is Raven Inkwell," Bud introduced her. "She's a very close pupil of mine at the school."

Noting their presence, Raven let go of the two foals. Artemis persisted to jump on Raven's side, but Raven merely stroked his mane as she spoke out, "I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. As Ms. Bud has said, I am a student of Manehattan Academy...wait," Raven gaped upon Beryl. "You are Duchess Beryl from Celestia's bloodline."

"Princess Platinum's to be accurate," Beryl corrected. "But yes, it is I."

"Ah," the group perked to another voice. "So my eyes have indeed not deceived me."

Before them came Hawk Inkwell, a stallion that Bud has not taken much fancy to. After their previous discussion, there has not much been talk between the two. An arrangement that Hawk perhaps has taken a liking to.

"Hawk Inkwell," Hawk introduced himself. "CEO of the Welling's Ink company. I believe you have become slightly accustomed to my daughter."

"My, so many acclaimed ponies have arrived here today," Beryl chucked. "I certainly did not see these turn of events."

Bud only sighed as Hawk communed with the aristocratic mare. She knew very well of the stallion's intention, and to be honest, it did not sit well with her. Taking advantage of Bud's connection with Raven to prop his daughter up for a position she had yet to settle she truly wants.

Sadly, Bud bears no room to dictate her future, but perhaps that's for the best. As her teacher, the best Bud could ever do for her to help discover her passions and maybe then she'll find what she wants for herself. But right now, all Bud wants is to be with her star pupil and give her all the care and joy she deserves.

"We're going to win together, right?" Bud asked Raven with a hoof held towards her.

"Yes ma'am," Raven nodded and bumped her hoof upon Bud's.

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