13 (2/2) Sisters

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The large group of apple trees that surrounded Bud was a nostalgic sight. She recalled many moments from her past where she and her two friends would play across the field and have picnics. Of course, then, there were many pear trees about. It was a bit surreal to see them absent with only acres of apple trees to fill their space.


Bud leaned her sights down at the stroller she was pushing. Bother of her foals were inside it and Nebula was wiping her mouth with a hoof.

"I must say," Nebula started. "Those bakers can make delectable sweets. Perhaps I should introduce them to Celestia to offer her their delights. Yes, I can see her now pigging herself out like the sow she is. And when she bloated and weakened herself, I shall smite her off the face of these lands."

"How much did Lazuli feed you?" Bud asked.

"As much as I demanded. A filly's charm can work wonders on a pony when desperate for her reception."

"I didn't take you for the manipulative type. I thought you had more pride than that."

"Only fools refuse to take advantage of what they have at disposal. Besides, if I'm to appear as a foal, I might as well play the part."

"Is it now? Does that mean my daughter is finally ready for diapers?"

"If you so much as dare to tarnish my figure with that I will-"

"Yes, yes, you'll tear me asunder," Bud interrupted. "You've told me that countless times already."

"Then stop bringing it up!"

"You okay there sis," Bud heard Pear's voice from beside her. Bud reddened after realizing to her friend, Bud was having a genuine conversation with a baby foal.

"Oh yes," Bud hurriedly answered. "I'm just dandy."

"...Alight, if you say so." Pear sighed and then continued. "I'm still surprised that you have twins. That must've been something for ya. I remember when I had Little Mac. Just one was more than I could bear."

"Well, I don't exactly remember the whole thing. I kind of slept through most of it, if not all."

"Oh, they gave you the drugs then?"

"Oh no, I was just asleep. That's all."

"Really?" Pear looked incredulously at her friend. "So you're telling me that you pushed out two foals in your sleep? You must've had a really good dream to pull that off."

"It was very vivid."

Bud and Pear reached to a house within the field and there they discovered Granny Smith and a red baby colt on the porch. Granny Smith held the colt as she rocked back and forth upon a swinging bench she sat upon. Her eyes aimed at Bud and Pear when her daughter-in-law made a creak on the stairs.

"Well now," Smith started. "If it isn't our shy little Bud...Is that what I think it is?"

"Hi Momma Smith," Bud greeted her.

"Now hold there missy," Smith halted Bud and then approached her with the red colt still within her hoof. Bud briefly glanced at the stoic colt and fought her urge to immediately coo at him.

Granny Smith peered upon the two foals in the stroller and exclaimed, "This year just never end with surprises." Nebula defensively glared at the old mare, but then burped to her embarrassment. "And what in tarnation is with the little filly's eyes. They look mighty fierce."

"I can explain," Bud started.

"Later on dearie, I should really finish sprucing up the rest of the apple pies for tomorrow. Blueberry has been on my flank for a whole dozen."

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