40 I Love You (1/4)

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Hawk and Raven explored all Ponyville had to offer. They browsed through shops and public spaces that were tranquil compared to the busy and busty streets of city folk. The view of nature all around them felt all-encompassing and euphoric for the pair. Something Hawk could almost argue surpassed his feeling of success when he sealed a lucrative deal.

Raven pulled Hawk into a few places, ecstatic to give him a tour. She first led him to Sugarcube Corner where they greeted Carrot and Chiffon.

"Oh, my," Chiffon gasped, her hoof covering her lips. "I didn't think I would find you here. What's a big-time business stallion like yourself doing in a small town like this?"

"Chiffon Swirl, was it?" Hawk began. "I apologize we didn't have a chance to talk. My daughter has told me many things about you."

"Has she now," Chiffon chuckled, noting Raven observing the cakes within the glass display shelf. "I hope one of those was about how amazing my pastries are. You should give them a try."

"I do make a habit of watching my diet, but my daughter's boast about your velvet cake had made me curious." Hawk glanced at her daughter. He knew her gawking at cheesecake on the mid-shelf of the display. A delicacy that expounded a purr out of Raven. Hawk withdrew bits from his wallet and laid them on the counter. "I would like a slice, please? And add a slice of cheesecake onto my order."

After sharing a meal, Raven took Hawk to the town hall to meet with Mayor Mare. The enthusiasm Raven spoke about the mare's performance in Chiffon's marriage intrigued Hawk, but not about Mayor Mare.

I've never seen her this energetic, Hawk thought. The ponies of this town have certainly awakened something in her.

He held a brief chat with Mayor Mare. Both gave their introduction and complimented their occupation. Though, it did surprise him she did not take the opportunity to wallow him with endless cater. Most politicians Hawk spoke to would do everything possible to garner his endorsement.

And this town has a pure-hearted leader, Hawk thought. I can see why my daughter is so taken with this place. How can there be a town so innocent?"

Hawk and Raven then happened upon a fountain they discovered at a park. Hawk noted Raven's curiosity about the construct.

"Is there something wrong?" Hawk asked his daughter.

"No," Raven answered, nearing the fountain to look at her reflection through the water. "But I have never seen this fountain when I last visited."

Hawk gazed upon the statue of a mare, who hailed atop the center of the fountain. He's not refined on the history of Ponyville, so the figure before remained a mystery to him. However, he imagined she played a valuable role to gain a statue.

"There are bits underwater," Raven pointed at the water.

"I would imagine so," Hawk joined his daughter's side. "Ponies like to gander in superstition such as the lady luck of fountains. Perhaps they think it potent given its recent making."

"Do you think it's true?"

"Huh? Of course, n..." Hawk stopped himself. What her daughter yearned for wasn't logic. Bud advised him to indulge in his daughter's wishful thinking, regardless of how wondrous. "Well, I can't say for certain. Would like to test its merit?"

Hawk offered a bit to his daughter. The dumbfounded blinking from her daughter was honestly a breathtaking sight. He's already witnessed so many faces and quirks from Raven. He yearned to unravel more.

After trekking through another portion of Ponyville's wonders, they settled at a hilltop far off town. The sun began to set on the horizon, the darkness slowly encroaching across the lands like a flood. Hawk found it eerily magnificent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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